selwood VS bartell best for 2011

Started by watson, August 10, 2010, 06:29:13 PM

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selwood VS Bartell who is best for 2011 most fit, price, average score


i am leaving both unfortunately due to the fact gaj is going both will get tagged :( if i had to choose selwood is younger and is in good form atm but seems to have good second half of they years. bartel is a solid 110 score performer, he will most likely get tagged. i love bartel but i have to say selwood


Selwood Captain next year may endure a few extra responsibilities that will withdraw from scoring capacity.
Jimmy will continue attracting points like barnacles to a ships hull, just hope that Geeelong doesn't sink next year without GAJ  ???

LE howz the ice Tea looking?


haha yeah really good at the moment rooster thanks for asking :D

i now have a 30 point lead on average so i have it pretty much wrapped up. if it wasnt for your complicated calculations i wouldn't have done it :D

i will dedicate it to you :)

oh and how was your week in Melbourne? 


Aaaaghhh, the highs and the lows!  ;D :'(

Certainly had a couple of "Iced teas" over the weekend  ;)

Melbourne IS THE sporting capital of Australia it sickens/pleases me to say.

Trying hard to make the photo's work and will get them in the FB ASAP!

You gonna Captain Bartz in 2011?  :D


haha sounds great rooster :)

yeah i would love captain bartzzzz next year but he will get a heavy tag with no Gaj so he may not make my best 22 i am sorry to say he has been there every single year of my DTing career (last year and this year) but he may not make it next year :( :P will ahve to wait and see :D

Justin Bieber

Tough one :-\. If Ablett does go, won't make it any easier on the other 2. Both can win their own ball so shouldn't drop too far off.

I tend to agree with elephants in theory. Selwood still has his best in front of him. Don't think he will take a step back. Bartel should keep on performing for a good 2-3 years.