price drop

Started by verda32, April 07, 2009, 12:26:29 AM

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will s.hill drop in vale since he already is over $150,000???


come on guys i just wanted to know if S.Hill will go down if he gets another 20 again bacuse i'm thinking about swaping him for A.Rance which will save me $70,000


Long time reader - first time poster (always wanted to say that).

Let me give this a shot but someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm assuming that the dollar per average point is about $5,380, this is based on the starting prices of the player for 2009. So let's look at Hill...

2 games, averaging 35.5 so if he keeps that average he should go up in value slightly (maybe $10K). He's break even point for his next game is 20 - 21 points if he gets less he will go down, if he gets more he will go up.

More worrying is if he gets a game at all, that's the big decision for me if I keep him or not.....

Hope that helps.