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Quote Of The Week!

Started by HillHero13, August 01, 2010, 07:10:49 PM

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anyone interested... i just saw numberwang say it and thought i'd start the topic..


greatest quote of all time
"life is like a box of chocolates cause you dont know what your going to get!


I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.
Winston Churchill


oh no.... fanfooty quotes.. and its not opened yet!!


You"re only as old as the woman you are feeling!


im loving those quotes guys:)


For all the married people:>

You can pick your friends but can't pick your family


"If Tony gets in I'm leaving the country - which will affect my DT scores next yr.
Not happy"

- numberwang



haha wang it looks like gillard already has it well hopefully


" When I'm Sad I Stop Being Sad, And Be Awesome Instead" - Barney Stinson!


Quote from: dylsta05 on August 02, 2010, 08:26:07 PM
haha wang it looks like gillard already has it well hopefully

and if not, then she will take over barry hall and be doggies full-foward!!

Justin Bieber

"Sometimes, God gives you physical talent and takes away your brain" - Mike Ditka.

CFC 1979

"This is Gregoriava from Bulgaria... I saw her snatch this morning and it was amazing." - Pat Glenn, weightlifting commentator

CFC 1979

"My wife has a slight impediment in her speech. Every now and then she stops to breathe." - Jimmy Durante.

CFC 1979

"Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do."
Ronald Reagan