Rolling the dice

Started by Holz, July 27, 2010, 05:25:48 PM

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im currently sitting just outside the top 1000 (1023) and im just going for as high a ranking as possible dont really care about league
down to 3 trades was planning to do pods to voldt but did it too late as only have 35k in the bank
my fwd line is Chapman, PAV, ROK, Franklin, Gia, Brwon and PODs (Balla, Davis)
my midfield is strong but is full of players who will be rested Swan,Ablett,Bartel,Montagna,Selwood,Boyd (gysberts, shuey)

as i have decent forward cover and essentially zero mid cover i was thinking of unsing 2 trades and going either shuey or gysberts to 77k fwd/mid for cover and also for money to make the pods to voldt trade however this will leave me with only 1 trade and about 60-80k in the bank for the rest of the season


mmm risky
if you think about it, leaving urself with one trade may leave you open to getting zero's which lessens the likelihgood of you gaining ranking
if you just hold ur trades maybe you may be able to capitalise later on the people above you that have no trades and are getting zero's????

Plastic Boy

You ranking wont cop too much of a beating if ur players get rested e.g. Montags, Ablett, Bartel, Selwood etc.. because most decent DTers have these guys, and also have no mid bench either (gys, Shuey)

So sit tight for this week and then go hard 1st week of the finals...


Plastic Boy


Quote from: Plastic Boy on July 27, 2010, 05:42:50 PM
You ranking wont cop too much of a beating if ur players get rested e.g. Montags, Ablett, Bartel, Selwood etc.. because most decent DTers have these guys, and also have no mid bench either (gys, Shuey)

So sit tight for this week and then go hard 1st week of the finals...
i would say most DECENT dt'ers may have at least 1 solid bench player, e.g-trengove, martin etc


definitely 4 overall roll that dice ;)


Quote from: plugz19 on July 28, 2010, 02:11:03 PM
Quote from: Plastic Boy on July 27, 2010, 05:42:50 PM
You ranking wont cop too much of a beating if ur players get rested e.g. Montags, Ablett, Bartel, Selwood etc.. because most decent DTers have these guys, and also have no mid bench either (gys, Shuey)

So sit tight for this week and then go hard 1st week of the finals...
i would say most DECENT dt'ers may have at least 1 solid bench player, e.g-trengove, martin etc
Most D'Teamers who had Trengove or Martin would have upgraded/downgraded them to get better players in their team. Can't justify having that much cash sitting on the bench - unless you have a Gun side!

Plastic Boy

Quote from: Bazinga on July 28, 2010, 02:25:27 PM
Quote from: plugz19 on July 28, 2010, 02:11:03 PM
Quote from: Plastic Boy on July 27, 2010, 05:42:50 PM
You ranking wont cop too much of a beating if ur players get rested e.g. Montags, Ablett, Bartel, Selwood etc.. because most decent DTers have these guys, and also have no mid bench either (gys, Shuey)

Have to agree... Most decent DTers wont have Martin sitting on the pine at 300k. If you had any idea you would have downgraded the likes of martin, bastinac etc when they peaked.

I for one cashed in on Bastinac and upgraded hitchcock to Didak. 

Cant say thats a rookie mistake.
So sit tight for this week and then go hard 1st week of the finals...
i would say most DECENT dt'ers may have at least 1 solid bench player, e.g-trengove, martin etc
Most D'Teamers who had Trengove or Martin would have upgraded/downgraded them to get better players in their team. Can't justify having that much cash sitting on the bench - unless you have a Gun side!

Master Q

I have Basti on the bench, and am loving him.

Don't trade, to risky.


well it has started, my lack of bench cover has finally caught up with me
the trade is looking beter now and i think 1 tradee should be enough as i will have  ROK and Shuey covering the middle with Strijk in the back and Balla up forward with Davis covering both


only problem now is do i downgrade shuey or gysberts and do i get in Voldt as i now have enough money for Didak or Goodes (paying that much for goodes will hurt as i nearly got him for 320k)