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AFL Xbox PS3 PC (Updated)

Started by RipnRun, July 20, 2010, 06:52:16 PM

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Thought some people may be interested in the upcoming AFL 2010 game due to be released on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC possibly in November.

Big Ant are the company that is hard at work on this title but have basically been gagged by their publisher as is reflected by the lack of information about this game on their website.

I am in no way affiliated with Big Ant, simply just of fan of football and video games alike.
The information below was taken from another forum that i stumbled across.

Ive trawled countless boards and websites and this is the best of what i have come up with.
Some of it sounds pretty exciting and gives me a slight hope that it wont completely suck  ;)

Incoming wall of text  ;D

    * Will be released on PS3, 360 & PC

    * Has a 4 v 4 Online Multi player, No Split Screen.

      4 for Xbox local - 8 online max (4 v 4)

      7 for PS3 local - 8 online max (4 v 4)

    * Every player of every team has been photographed and modelled.

    * No Head High Bumps, tackles but no bumps

    * Most of the "left of field" (odd) things will be trophy/achievement based. (Guessing getting Richmond past 9th )

    * Our first screenshot. In the game the face, eyes, etc.. are animated.

    * Controls : there are Torpedo's, stabs, snap kicks etc.. taps in the ruck, punches - mongrels will generally happen when you do something that doesn't make sense given the position on field, power of the kick, on the run (or not)

      Handball can be to a player directly or to space - the trajectory is dealt with by the system - there are "look aways" and over the head handballs.

      Have implemented a control mechanism for both handball and kicks that players can choose to "lock" to a team mate, allowing for strafing and drawing the opposition.

      Hoping the novice will be able to pick it up and play but that others will get more depth through "modifiers" we've put in there, eg. triggers/shoulder buttons for stab passes, torp's, strength of tap/punch in the ruck and so on.

      Bouncing the ball can be manual or automatic (default). Will not bounce while sprinting. (Will get pinged if you run too far).

    * BigAnt debating internally about balancing the "real world" stats with the ability of say taking the 16th team to the flag... should everyone have an even shot?

    * The grounds - they have all been licensed. Real MCG, SCG, etc... and they look *real*!

    * Off the ball by-play incorporated into the game: "the off the ball play is currently my favourite thing to do, especially in 4 vs 4."

    * Marking: Contested Pack Marking will be a contest. Players will hit up/honor leads.

      What they have implemented is that the player will automatically, on free kicks and marks, go to get back behind mark but you can pre-empt this at any stage by selecting any action - eg. just keep running, kick, etc

    * Crowd/Atmosphere - Crowd is in team colours, there are flags and the old "floggers" made out of paper.
      There is more home crowd than away, based on interstate or not. There isn't booing.

      Heritage rounds, ANZAC day etc... are all in there.

      Based on the MCG being in Melbourne and both teams being from Melbourne the crowd would be equal for the ANZAC day clash - the key is that it is biased if a team has come from interstate (or out of town - eg Skilled at Geelong)

    * Dennis Cometti to do the commentary (Will be more then just Dennis)

    * Players individual attributes will be at play, including distance/accuracy, fitness, etc... ie Fev will find it easier to kick from outside 50 than Judd.

    * Deliberate rushed behind rule is incorporated into the game

    * Game Balancing.
      I always steer away from game balancing via penalties that take a player below what would be considered "0", you should always, in my opinion get your base stat. That's not to say that your opposition, having played well or having seen how bad you are playing don't get a lift from it.

      That said, most games have "catch up" - meaning the worse you are the easier it is to score/drive/whatever, this has been done all the way back to NBA Jam. I understand the idea of reward for good play (the old NBA Jam "he's on fire"), but there is something to be said to negating someone getting the daylights belted out of them.... particularly online, as it de motivates people and has them leave the online space.

    * Camera Angles

      Getting the camera right is actually the hardest part of making the game.

      I struggle watching on TV, the coverage is too "cameo" and tight for my liking, so much is happening off the ball you lose at least 50% of the action in my opinion.

      So while there is a "broadcast like" camera, the default will be further back. I personally play it with the same view as if you were in the Southern stand, second level, front row. Playing it any closer doesn't allow you to see what's on offer far enough down the field.

      In any case, you will have many camera options. I know it will be a very personal thing as to which one you like most.

    * International Footy supporters

      The advantage we have on 360 and PS3 is that we can package the game for download in other regions where a retail/disk version doesn't make sense. I am in talks with the publishers about this.

    * Fully Licensed Game, only licensed product will be in the game, ie, all jumpers/logos shall be those that are currently under license.

      No Ochre

    * Radar - There is one

    * 3rd Person

      No Third person tried it and it was unplayable.

    * Frame Rate
      There won't be an issue with frame rate - that is a top priority for us. The system we have implemented for the tattoo's is on a player by player basis - not all players will use the same amount of memory/textures.

    * Replays
      There will be replays, this is where the close-ups of the characters, some of which you've seen here, will be at their highest resolution.

      Indeed, if it weren't for the replays we wouldn't have modelled the players so closely.

    * Dynamic Weather
      Rain, sunshine, even shadows of clouds going across the ground.

Q. Why did NRL get released before AFL when AFL was announced so long ago?
A. We began NRL way before AFL, we could not announce NRL because there were existing games in the market and our publisher did not want to impact their sales.

Q. Why is there no further news on AFL.
A. Because we don't control the announcements, our publisher does.

Q. How do I become a tester (QA) on AFL?
A. In Sydney, apply to HES. In Melbourne apply to Big Ant Studios via the website. Big Ant Studios currently have all of the testers we need at this time.

Daisy Thomas mug shot.

Dane Swans ink.

Nic Nats dome.


There is some fluff here, some will be into this more than others

* Dynamic Weather: Yes. Rain, sunshine, even shadows of clouds going accross the ground

* More on weather:
" will players fumble, slip over and get muddy if its really wet?"
The stumbling I am not sure of, I will find out tomorrow.... I know the players get muddy and the ground wears

Will be injuries and weaker clubs will be effected greater by injury

* AI
The AI is very "fluid" and there is a lot of movement to and from space, not necessarily positions. Players will tend to keep to their "comfort zones" but react to team mates and opponents movement. I can't say much more...

* As promised, my interpretation of how the interchange works
The Interchange works in conjunction with the switching of players anywhere on the field and does not interfere with gameplay, the game is not paused.

First select the player to switch:
Press the D-Pad (defaults on first menu - Down = Bench, Left = Defence, Up = Followers, Right = Forwards)
Menu pops into hud with options:

Use D-pad up and down to navigate, right to select, left to cancel entire operation.

Once area selected, list changes to player names in that region.
Use D-pad up and down to navigate, right to select, left to cancel entire operation.

Once player selected, list changes to regions for the player to swap with:
Use D-pad up and down to navigate, right to select, left to cancel entire operation.

Once area selected, list changes to player names in that region.
Use D-pad up and down to navigate, right to select, left to cancel entire operation.

For example, to swap Waite to the bench and bring Betts on:
Press D-Pad Right->
Lists forwards on the field, press down on D-Pad until Waite is highlighted.
Press D-Pad Right->to select Waite
Lists Bench, Defence, Followers, Forwards, Press D-Pad Right->to select Bench
Players on the Bench are listed, press down on D-Pad until Betts is highlighted.
Press D-Pad Right->to select Betts
Waite will then run to the bench and Betts will run to Waite's position.

* Miscellaneous
When the game ships we will be releasing a "developer diary" that will have pictures, concept art, and lots of "insider" goodies.

* Statistics
Big Ant would like to continually keep up to date stat's via XBLA/PSN (online), the ability for us to do this is being worked through, no promises, but if they can they will.

* There will be the expected rewards for a good season, B&F, Brownlow, etc...

* There will of course be a season mode.

* There will be a player, team, competition creator

* There will be speccies, And they can be uploaded to facebook on the PS3 version
* There are multiple season in that your record is stored and the players individual stat's are stored form season to season.

* Draft/Trading & Retiring/Creating New Players
There is no draft. We cannot take photos of draftees or license them before they get into the AFL.

You can add players to teams, swap players from team to team, or make up a team of superstars if you wish - but you can't draft them.

Player stats will be editable, their likenesses will not.

Players that you create will look as good as the snippets you've seen here. It will be harder for you to make the likeness as good as we have, but they certainly will look "human" and will not be generic.

You will be able to create as many as the teams would hold, potentially 18 side of 42. (So 756 custom player limit)

Without going into too much detail, if players retire, you can retire them. If draftees come in then you can create them (or swap them from club to club if they exist already). Stat's will be remembered from year to year (based on your gameplay).

If Sony and MS give the green light draftee’s and player stats will be updated by DLC

You could create player stat's and likeness based on the real players drafted if you wished. There is no draft but you can simulate the result of the draft.

There are multiple season in that your record is stored and the players individual stat's are stored form season to season.

Players are retired by you just taking them off the club list.

Players are traded by adding them to another clubs list.

You can create a player and add him to any list.

If you just want to play the game for multiple seasons with the same players then you can. If you want to simulate what is happening in the real world then you can.

Players do get older and there is progression (or regression depending on how they've done) between seasons.

There will be a game length that will be ideal, ie the scores will be realistic, but if you limit or expand the game time then scores will of course vary.

Have some staff here that worked at IR Gurus/Transmission, no one here was involved in the previous games.

This version has been built from scratch - that's why it's taking so long

We will do as close to a TV start as we can. It is Commetti plus one special comments.

Umpires/Free kicks
Three field umpires.
Free kicks are realistic, there is no randomness, you will know what you did, and you will deserve it!

Generally you will be able to tell as it happens that a player is injured. There will be cases where player will run/limp to the bench and you will be told in the hud that it has happened - the game will not stop.

There is no Blood Rule as there is no blood in the game.

Custom Team
There will be a range of kit to choose from, home/away/clash strips with a set range of styles and colors,team logos and choice of home venue. There is also an opportunity to customise the logo via importing a file of your making. The importing of a theme song is being investigated, this is not a technical issue but one of copyright.

Sides will have their own specific style of play. You can change that on the fly and emulate the "Sydney style" or "Essendon style"

Individual player tactics fall out of the style of play chosen plus an ability to dictate that a player tag or play a set position.

In Game Rankings
There are no in game rankings as such, but like when you're at the "G" looking at the scoreboard, you will have various stat's available, with extra's such as "clangers"

Reserves stats during a season
Unfortunately you will not know how your reserve players, who were not in your 22 performed - you could simulate that by editing the stats's to reflect the "real world" if you wished. Otherwise in the next version we could just give random stat's but I don't much like that idea.
Ant_ is online now Report Post

Added: 10/08/10

* I can say that right or left footedness will make a difference, particularily with set shots and which way the ball will draw or fade.

* There is also the strategy of coralling players onto their wrong foot so they are less accurate when kicking on the run.

New Pics

The ball colour is from a test build, apparently will be darker. (lets hope so!)

Remember this guy?

Ill keep bumping this thread when new information is released, however if you want to keep yourself up to date, there is a link on the 3rd page.


thanks for that! there has been little info available, so its good to finally get some.


I honestly cant wait till its released, im guessing it will be the cod of australia it will be that popular. thanks for the info have been waiting for some like this for ages.


No problem guys.

And as for it being an Aussie COD, it definately has the potential to be huge.
Apparently they are fielding between 100 and 200 emails per day!!

Ive personally sent them a few but have received doughnuts in return, ive got a pic here of Dane Swans tattooed arm that looks pretty damn good, any idea of how i can get it up here?


thats awesome mate.
to add screenshots there is a button underneath the bold button that you use to insert an image


Hey Braydon, would you mind elaborating a little more, i saw the insert image button earlier but couldnt get the pics up and the links i was using to imageshack seem broken, Cheers.


Hopefully it is better that previous AFL games, which were shocking  :-\

Plenty of 360 games coming out that are on my must have list, but this aint one of them  ::)


Quote from: RipnRun on July 20, 2010, 08:02:27 PM
Hey Braydon, would you mind elaborating a little more, i saw the insert image button earlier but couldnt get the pics up and the links i was using to imageshack seem broken, Cheers.
This thread might help RipnRun ;),19394.0.html


Thanks alot McRooster, champion!

Pics added.


since when was daisey thomas a red dog?


Quote from: RipnRun on July 20, 2010, 09:05:23 PM
Thanks alot McRooster, champion!

Pics added.
Very nice work Rip 8)

To show your appreciation how about visiting the Front Bar and voting in the FanFooty Personality of the Year thread!,15484.0.html

Stay premium! ;D


Quote from: the_jackal on July 20, 2010, 09:13:35 PM
since when was daisey thomas a red dog?

Haha, now that you mention it he does have a slight tinge in that pic!

And done McRooster, gl!

Justin Bieber

Quote from: McRooster on July 20, 2010, 09:20:31 PM
Quote from: RipnRun on July 20, 2010, 09:05:23 PM
Thanks alot McRooster, champion!

Pics added.
Very nice work Rip 8)

To show your appreciation how about visiting the Front Bar and voting in the FanFooty Personality of the Year thread!,15484.0.html

Stay premium! ;D
Nice plug McRooster ;).

Only If it was out for PS2. Haven't had an AFL game since 04 :'(.

CFC 1979

is nick nat as bad in the game as in real life :D

roo boys!