Is this a betta trade??

Started by sobeyyy, April 01, 2009, 07:28:50 AM

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Would this b a good trade

Trade raines for cheney, then higgins 4 tuck, then the week after, hentschel in fwd line 4 higgins???

Any ideas??


Why trade Higgins out just to get him back in?
You're just burning trades up. 3 trades in the 1st 2 rounds is not smart...
If you've picked Hentschel already then just back him in.
As for what to do with Raines check this out for some ideas:




Sorry for the shameless promotion but it's brand spanking new and I just wanted at least 1 viewer hehe.


just went and checked it out nice job marcus.


Sobeyyy, it's stupid to trade someone and the get that person back again. Your just wasting trades! And I love the site made by Marcus, good job mate!

Just field a rookie from bench on, Raines will be back soon enough. A lot of people believe he is a very good cash cow so I'm hanging on to him for now.


Sobeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ..... trades are GOLD. Keep every one you can now otherwise you'll be living on donuts for the last few months of winter. Not good for the waisteline or the SC score.


Yeah i know it's a bit of a waste, but i wanted 2 get travis tuck into my team as i think he will b a good money maker & scorer.

Not too sure bout hentschel 80 or 90 4 the yr, so i wanted 2 work higgins into forward in his place. Wanted 2 trade all this b4 price rises, then ill save trades till bout round 10

Wat do u think??



Leave Higgins there & say you want a forward on the go say a Skippy or a Houlihan, or a Ziebell, etc


bluebaggas, my mid is ablett, judd, selwood, foley, higgins, rich, atm

I have skippy in fwd alrdy, not too sure bout houlihan

but if i dont use any more trades til lyk round 10, thats alrite tho?



Easy to say but say Foley does a Hammy & out for 4 weeks = another trade. Sunshine you are better of sweating of for a week or 2. Wait for 2 weeks & if the Truck is still there & the price is right well come on down & trade.


doesnt matter if you dont make any more trades for the rest of the year, its still a waste

so your trying to get tuck and keep higgins by getting rid of hentschel?


yeah, the trades would look something lyk this

Out: Raines
In: Cheney

Out: Higgins
In: T.Tuck

Out: Hentschel
In: Higgins

Would do u reckon??