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Banned and want to complain (merged)

Started by numberwang, July 18, 2010, 05:16:17 PM

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Jayman & BOOMZ - it could be that you are just not logged in properly - I get that message when I'm not.


Quote from: GoldDigger on July 18, 2011, 02:43:50 AM
Jayman & BOOMZ - it could be that you are just not logged in properly - I get that message when I'm not.

Yeah I think it was an error because this morning I tried and it seemed to work fine  :)


I've been banned since last Sunday.  I think it was for talking off topic (still talking football just not at the right game)   I've sent two emails kindly requesting re-instatement and nothing has happened nor has there been any reply

I'd rather be re-instated than have to log in under new details (which lots of serial offenders seem to do)

CFC 1979

I've got the same prob  BOOMZ >:(

I have had issues loggin on and getting the game chat and scores up. Just tried to enter a comment to see if it worked and got the banned message. " undefined " is all i get
Done nothing wrong :o

It's been like this for 4 weeks. Starting to piss me off. All i want is access to the scores.

Oh well there are other sites to get scores from


CFC 1979

when it clogs up likes this i cannot get anything

it has freed up tonight though


CFC 1979

Here we go again. Didn't bother logging in so i could see the scores.

Just by chance i wanted to have a crack at PNG, logged in and bang UNDEFINED

Went to write something for chat and ...............

You have been banned from the FanFooty game chat.

FanFooty will ban you if you abuse the chat by swearing, making racist remarks, insulting other posters, posting bogus injury information, or ignoring the football game.

These rules are in place to ensure a friendly, football-focused chat environment. If you can't handle that, that is your problem.

If you think you can abide by these rules and you want to get reinstated, please email

Now can't get anything. Logged out and stil lthe same logged back in still the same

I have e-mailed my issue and posted it here. I have done nothing to get banned.Sick to death of this s.h.i.t..... off to Dream-Stats


monty doesn't listen to emails often. Try ringing him.

not even joking :P

Master Q

Getting out of hand. Speak up big man!


Last 2 week I was banned and didn't know why. Today saw the game "St Kilda v Collingwood" chat and someone mentioned chat rule at bottom of chat (LOL I'm on the "live-scores" few times /week and didn't notice it there the whole time)  and I go through it...OMG I find out some mod banned me because of this rule "This rule covers things like posting upside-down text" Doh! It's my team name ©(ºöº)© and that's auto ban? This is crazy!!!
What do you guys think?
BTW my team (4th) vs Daniel Harford (1st) this week. Confident will smash him :)

Justin Bieber

I like the name :P.

I think alot of problems have been had with the BANHAMMER (Ban list but this has a better ring to it) as many are getting the banned page when they haven't been banned. I'm guessing a glitch but may be wrong. Try logging in and out/New page log in.

If these don't work, guess PM a chat mod on here (Valkorum, Crowsfan or C4v3m4n) and ask them if you got banned. M0nty hasn't been around for a while so they are the closest I can find to helping you out (But still PM m0nty incase he responds before them :)).


From tonight's game ..... LnchPdMcQk: i hope riewoldt gets mouth cancer
If that is not banworthy I don't know what is  >:(

I have tried for two seasons to help raise the awareness of this evil disease through the championing of various causes like Call To Arms + Footy Colours Day + Movember + Light The Night and The EJ Whitten Foundation

I view this post from live chat with the highest of contempt. This person has never had to endure the pain of hearing a  5yr old child say 'Why does it hurt so much Daddy?' when their kid is receiving chemotherapy, why would anyone wish that level of pain on anyone is disgusting and without thought for the true spirit of our game and our chat/forum's banter.

There is no retort from this person that I could find acceptable, ever. Ban them. >:(


I feel your pain McRooster.  My footy club supports the Call To Arms cause every year as we lost a long serving player to cancer.


Im with you all the way Rooster, lost to many loved ones to this awful disease. Why anyone would want to throw that out there is beyond me, says alot about the character of a person imo. The sooner we have a break through in this area cant be soon enough.
Hats off to you for all your efforts well done.
