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Banned and want to complain (merged)

Started by numberwang, July 18, 2010, 05:16:17 PM

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I only watch the blog because I like to know whats happening in the game.  If I am watching the game on TV then I will only check the scores at quarter time, half time, 3 quarter time and full time - I cant be distracted from watching the game :)


Tonight it seems in the Nth Melb v Bombers game there are no rules.



It is amazing how much trash is out there. Seriously.


Now they are ruining the other game >:(

I wonder what the boffins at NAB and other sponsors are thinking.


The chat wasn't great last night, was it?  :-[

My main concern with making the chat infrastructure more complicated is that it should not pollute the main chat with lobbying to have this or that poster unbanned, or doging about this or that mod. I have seen that happen that way at other sites. People dog about me, that's unavoidable, and I don't ban people doing that unless they're being particularly obnoxious and/or going on about it too long. I wouldn't like to see a string of chat lines about how Pros or whoever are flogs who ban too quickly, etc etc.

Last night underlined a few things for me. First, it validated my "no prisoners" approach, because if you don't ban people then that's what happens. It only takes one bad egg, and TrevorC (who was also Goodisgod btw) was that rotten egg. Second, it told me that if for whatever reason I am not in the chat, then there does need to be a mechanism for someone else to be empowered to ban. I will look into this during the week. At this stage I'd like that power to be restricted to Pros, because he's got a proven track record. I realise I may be loading too many things on him, but I intend for him only to have this power when I know I'm not going to be there, which is only a handful of times per year.

As for numberwang's point about mates at the footy talking about things other than footy, that's all very well, but you're not with mates at the footy, are you? The Internet is a broadcast medium, and you're broadcasting your private conversation to the 75,000 people who come to FF every weekend. I think I'm well within my rights to not want the FF chat to descend into a half dozen IM chats going on simultaneously about things other than footy. You're there to talk footy.


I agree about someone else taking over the reigns m0nty, and Pros would be great at doing it also - also good to have as a few as people as possible to be in responsibility roles. I've seen many forums where there are too many cooks.

Hellopplz also a great candidate I'd think, and although I kind of don't really want to sort through the trash and the resulting abuse, I would also put my hand up if needed.


Silent moderators.

We don't need to know who they are and then they will not be targeted in chat because of anonymity.


Master Q

They should be silent moderators and not be named, but should be noted that there are silent moderates analysing the chat. That itself would make the chat better.

CFC 1979

8 games - 8 silent Mods

shares the load


Correct with silent mods & the best way to do that with silent mods is that no one knows who they are.

If a silent mod breaks this trust then it's m0ntys call weather to remove his privaleges in that capacity.

Anyway of that point can't for the life of me log on to chat?


lol TrevorC(or whatever he is calling himself these days) needs to get out of the house a bit more!


Quote from: CFC 1979 on July 27, 2010, 06:29:42 AM
8 games - 8 silent Mods

shares the load

There are only ever two games on at the same time, so two mods are all that is required, if that.

They would most likely only be used in case of emergencies anyway, so I wouldn't want people to think there are silent mods on at all times.


I reckon CFC was pointing to the fact that, although there is only 2 games on at any one time, I doubt all moderators are willing to be on hold for the whole weekend. If you give each silent mod a specific timeslot....

But yes m0nty, if the 'emergency' can be seen in advance, there is no need for it.