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Banned and want to complain (merged)

Started by numberwang, July 18, 2010, 05:16:17 PM

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Been banned twice now. First time it was off topic (not rude nor offensive), second was for telling someone to flower off because he was abusing me.

I'm tired of this being at the discretion of the site owner depending on what he feels like doing at the time. There needs to be rules, written down that clearly state what is and isnt allowed.

Now I understand Monty that keeping the blog going and watching multiple games at once can be difficult but you need to put something in place. This topic is for serious suggestions on how this can be improved for next year or even the remainder of this year.

1. I think only people who make x number of posts and contribute to the forum should be able to use the chat, otherwise you get any old clown writing abuse and trolling the chat.

2. Things to monitor more closely - Captain "jokes" - not funny, seriously.
3. The person who instigates abuse should be banned, not the retorter.
4. Anyone posting PNG figures in the chat.
5. If you get banned, you get a quote of what you said that was unacceptable for the chat.

Captain jokes and png predicitions do not add to the chat Monty, it makes it annoying. I think the first point is a must have. There needs to rules written down accessible by a link on the chat page to justify someone's ban.

There, I've been pro-active. Any other suggestions?


Numberwang, I've just been done too.
I understand all your points, especially when you know what you've done wrong and others are operating in the same or worse vain?
No democracy it feels or it could be paranoia? I'm happy in a way you've been done because now I can see it's not personal.
People were asking about you in the Freo game before I got booted off.
Posted in "Banned from live chat? and don't know why?" topic too.

Suck it up I suppose and ...

Stay Premium ;)


If people report what they think they did, we could start a "Stay premium in livechat" thread, with a list of things not to do. One of them would be to not respond to abuse!


No swearing
No racist remarks
No insulting other posters
No bogus injury information
Do not ignore the football game
Stay on topic - talk (Fantasy) Football
Do not abuse others, or respond to the abuse of others
Do not ask for, or post livestream information
Do not abuse m0nty
Do not swear


I will address this after the game. I agree there needs to be some extra work done in this area.

roo boys!

Quote from: Prospector_1 on July 18, 2010, 05:58:17 PM
No swearing
No racist remarks
No insulting other posters
No bogus injury information
Do not ignore the football game
Stay on topic - talk (Fantasy) Football
Do not abuse others, or respond to the abuse of others
Do not ask for, or post livestream information
Do not abuse m0nty
Do not swear
So important that you have to put it in twice, good work! Agree witht hdi list though, it is the responsibility of all us serious Fantasy Footballers who actually want to contribute to the conversation to shut out all Thai bogus, and I think that the not responding to abuse one is very crucial.


So good I did it twice - an old (bad) habit. Oh well!

Also this ...

No insulting other posters
Do not abuse others


how bout soemthing like...

do not try and get the posters back onto the footy... its montys job.. ooops sorry.. m0nty


Quote from: McRooster on July 18, 2010, 05:33:28 PM
Numberwang, I've just been done too.
I understand all your points, especially when you know what you've done wrong and others are operating in the same or worse vain?
No democracy it feels or it could be paranoia? I'm happy in a way you've been done because now I can see it's not personal.
People were asking about you in the Freo game before I got booted off.
Posted in "Banned from live chat? and don't know why?" topic too.

was in burner09? i think just wanted someone to offload some roast to.

Suck it up I suppose and ...

Stay Premium ;)


As per my post on rules of engagement, i think there are better quantifiable rules that could be implemented. i think if you've contributed over 150 posts to fan footy, you can enter for example. that would stop a lot of problems. those who know each other in the forums don't abuse one another - its mainly the trolls who pop in and dont contribute that cause problems. so shut them out.

Good to hear m0nty acknowledges there's a problem here.

Justin Bieber

There are still many who haven't even done 100 posts. Gonna really limit the number of people allowed in chat if you put a post tally for them.

Plus they may have different fanfooty accounts compared to forum account (names).


First, I'll address the specific points made by numberwang and others.

Captain jokes: sure, they're annoying, but I don't think they are banworthy. I don't quite get the seething hatred of them by some chatters, to be honest. Captain jokes are dumb but not offensive. Maybe it's just that I blank them out because I see them often enough that I've developed an immunity. Operationally, I have so much to do during games that if I handed out bans for everyone who made a captain joke, I'd need five hands and three heads. Further feedback on this point is encouraged, though.

The person who instigates abuse is banned, numberwang. That doesn't excuse you retaliating with further abuse. I look at the log in such cases and identify both parties.

Posting PNG figures in the chat has dropped off a lot since I moved it to separate page, I don't see this as a problem.

As for getting a quote of unacceptable behaviour when you get banned... hmm. My first thought is that you usually remember the last thing you said on chat when you get banned as you only said it mere minutes ago, so why do you need it to be quoted back at you? I can see an argument that I should nominate which specific rule you broke, but again that should be pretty bloody obvious, because I don't ban people for nothing. I do need to update the list of bannable offences that comes up when you get banned though, that much is true.

On restricting chat access to those who have made X forum posts, that's not going to happen. Apart from anything else, the chat account and forum account are two separate accounts so it would be very difficult to police. Also, there are currently only 129 posters who have made 200+ posts, and another 104 with 100-199, so if that was the restriction it would be a pretty damn boring chat. I don't want to do that anyway, because I like the fact that anyone can create an account and 24 hours later start chatting. I could certainly see creating a Coaches-only (or whatever post level is appropriate) chat though, that's on the to do list. That would have to be moderated by the Coaches themselves though, the problem with it is that I don't want another chat window open during games because I have too much to do as it is.

Further thoughts in a little while.


m0nty just called all us 100+ posted boring :(

but seriously, I gotta say I agree with m0nty.

I don't even use it anymore, usually just have m0nty's blog scrolling along.


I agree ossie85, I think I'll use that from now on.
Too many clowns in the chat.


I can see both sides of it, it would be nice to know why you were banned. But really you should have an idea anyway.