Jack Redden - Lions star # 3, unique mid?

Started by McRooster, July 13, 2010, 08:12:20 PM

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Let's hope he doesn't get stagefright after getting the NAB.
Averages show that the week after the award the lustre comes off and the rising star has a fall.
He has averaged 106 in the past 4 weeks, has played every game since rnd 15 2009 (+ finals), and with 0.93% ownership has definate unique status.
Anyone looking for a midfield mid priced unique?


Didn't we have a similar useless thread when Rockliffe got the NAB????
This has already been discredited a couple of times this year, give it a rest


Rather the opposite I felt this time.
I believe this time the nomination might just highlight his strengths he has as a potential unique target rather than focus on the innocuousness of his predecessors.


i like matt rosa and rhys palmer better in this price range but 106 over the last four does say a lot!


Had him from the start as a unique...
Traded him about before his first 100 :(




Sorry Rooster mis-read it a little.
I agree with the fact that at his price you needed him from the start.