Top 4 soccer teams and players!

Started by HillHero13, July 12, 2010, 07:59:43 PM

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Yes because the winner of a fantasy league is the more knowledgeable?? This is ridiculous.

I just talked to my Chelsea friend over in the UK. He said you should be put down for writing that last post and if you think that... well, it is embarrassing and you are the most thickest person if you think what you wrote was anywhere near the truth ... lolllll.

I am an Aries.


Lol you spoke to your friend congrats what because he lives, in the Uk he knows what he is talking bout now thats Funny  ;D and i never said this debate can be settled on Fantasy Football i said test your fantasy knowledge you know eveything about football so you should be good at it!! LOL your mate thats hilarious...LOL  you are getting a bit desprate if you have to pull in the big guns from overseas LOL i cant stop laughing thanks you made my night...this is seriously the last post i am writing on this ridiculous thread , well i am off to talk to my cousins and parents in the UK see what they think :)


I was getting his opinion on this really really stupid debate because him and his family have been Chelsea supporters their entire lives and they know their shower. I can't believe you can even be behind it and write about it on a public forum. You should be embarrassed about what you just wrote before. You call yourself a football "Knowledgeable" fan when this stuff is BASIC knowledge. I couldn't stop laughing at the fact you have actually tried to make it into an argument when you are absolutely wrong. If I actually didn't know you were being serious, I would call you a troll.

Well done.

Master Q

Andrew you remind me a little bit of how rob used to be. (Rob, Note I said used to be, no offense, no hard intended , don't want to start a fight  ;D )

Andrew, the only one who should be embarresed is you. I think I need to say to you what my teachers in school said to read the text more then once. And this stage it seems like your not even reading half of it, and just writing words in a blue box, as you are talking rubbish!

Calling Rob a "Troll" is so funny I had to put a banana  peel down my throat. I can imagine you now, If we were to meet in real life, I would say "Hel-" and then you'd interupt me. Ok, lets play with Andrew. Andrew, you are the only one who's gets to have an opinion, you know everything, you are our god, I will listen to everything you say.

You say that I don't back up my points, well I don't - because you interupt and don't listen  :P Not backing up your point I think is better then saying that you have a friend in england, so you are right  :P

Start listening to people.

You know what, Your A Joke.


If an opinion is so badly wrong, I am sorry that I have to argue. You have to have reasons and copy and pasting individual awards for your reasons is a joke.

I backed up my point all thread. I have given my reasons why he is better and given examples.

State your reasons why you think Gerrard is better then Essien? I used to think Gerrard was the best midfielder before he was moved behind Torres as a second striker. Ever since then, he has not been the same. He is best served as a box-to-box midfielder. Instead RB decided to move him behind Torres so that he can use his best assets and purely attack and relieve him of any defensive duties. Now I don't know if you watch Liverpool games, but if you watched them, you would know the shocking performances from Gerrard himself during some of these games. He used run hard, endless passion and never say die. Now that he is only attacking and purely plays as an attacking player, he has become quite lazy and doesn't track back as much as he used. Which was one of his best strengths. His stamina and endless running was Steven Gerrard all over. Now that Roy has come in, I really hope he plays Gerrard in the midfield so he can get back to his best.

Essien is a better player because he is a powerhouse in the midfield. He does whatever he needs to do for the team. If he needs to play box-to-box ( which he often does), he does. If he needs to hold a player from the opposition team, like Xavi, Fabregas, Gerrard, he has done without fail and kept them out of the game. He also has an awesome shot which can be seen in the Arsenal game and Barcelona game. He can play anywhere in the midfield and in the defence. In 2006/07 and 07/08 he often played in defence for Chelsea during their defensive crisis. He played as a makeshift RB in the CL final vs Manchester United. He was well beaten in the first half, however, in the 2nd, he absolutely destroyed him and got forward a lot. Chelsea's midfield needs Essien. They had to change to a 4-3-3 because the 4-4-2 diamond did not work with him. You can see in Chelsea's games, their midfield at times, got overworked and undone. In the Inter vs Chelsea game. Sniejder was pulling Chelsea like a 14 yr boy who just watched his first penetration porn. Mikel could not handle him. Cambiasso, another holding midfielder was getting forward a lot because Inter was dictating the play. Essien playing in this game wouldn't of let Cambiasso get forward because of his presence and dominance in the midfield. Cambiasso scored because of Chelsea's lack of presence in the midfield. Ultimately winning the game for Inter.

Gerrard in his role as a second striker, as I have said, has limited his input for his team and it has shown. Unless Gerrard is moved back into the midfield, Essien will always be the better player.



I think that we can't compare these two players.

They play totally different roles and are totally different players.

Capt Cunners

Quote from: reesbr on July 17, 2010, 09:52:52 AM

I think that we can't compare these two players.

They play totally different roles and are totally different players.

Shut Up Reesbr you have no idea

Firstly all of you people who are saying Gerrard is better than Lampard are an absolute joke. Last season Gerrard was crap, and Lampard's was one of the best he has had.

And in their primes Gerrard is better than Essien, but at the moment Essien is much better than Gerrard.
Top 5 Mids in EPL:
1. Lampard
2. Fabregas
3. Essien
4. Gerrard
5. Milner


In their primes, I think they are on par with each other. But as it stands, Essien is far superior and makes Lampard score a lot more. Capt Cunners, this is what someone said, and I concur with it "Well since Jan, Lampard scored 8 of the 12 penalties awarded in that 5 month span. He scored 11 in total. Essien was injured in Nov/Dec. He scored 12 in the second half of the season, 4 from free play compared to 10, 8 from free play in the first half of the season. So Essien makes him score more. The reason Lampard gets into position to score those goals is because of the work that Essien has done. With his endless energy , Versatility and immense physical presence,  Essien over Lampard any day."


Quote from: Andrew3737 on July 16, 2010, 06:49:13 PM
No Comment. Actually one becuase you say something doesn't mean its correct.

When I say a statement, I back it up with why and how. Neither you or Master Q have done that. Also, I never said top 20 EPL. Some guy who randomly joined the debate did. I just said top 20 and he assumed.
i said that because the topic of this debate is who is the best player in epl or whatever, that is what you are arguing about! so when you say top 20, it would obviously be assumed you ar talking about EPL, and all your eevidence is stupid, NO ONE was comparing gerrard to la liga or iiesta or xavi , yet this is you evidence??r


Quote from: supercoachheroes on July 20, 2010, 10:06:23 PM
Quote from: Andrew3737 on July 16, 2010, 06:49:13 PM
No Comment. Actually one becuase you say something doesn't mean its correct.

When I say a statement, I back it up with why and how. Neither you or Master Q have done that. Also, I never said top 20 EPL. Some guy who randomly joined the debate did. I just said top 20 and he assumed.
i said that because the topic of this debate is who is the best player in epl or whatever, that is what you are arguing about! so when you say top 20, it would obviously be assumed you ar talking about EPL, and all your eevidence is stupid, NO ONE was comparing gerrard to la liga or iiesta or xavi , yet this is you evidence??r

If you actually read what I said, I said, Master Q was comparing the two players by awards. I said that Iniesta is arguably the best attacking midfielder in the world and he 4 awards compared to Gerrard many. So you can't just say Gerrard is better because he has awards. Well done, idiot.

Master Q

Calm Down Andrew, No Need To Swear.

Please read what I said earlier, because most of the times, you don't. If you need help, I'll point out what I said ::)