Glad I didn't pick Houlihan

Started by Marcus, March 27, 2009, 11:41:39 AM

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10 minutes into the 2nd quarter of the BRL v CAR game and I've see enough to retract my statement. Houlihan CAN find the ball. He is a good pick. I was wrong... I apologize for the big hoo-hah. Flame away.


Good on you for having the guts to put it out here,


no flaming here...would you consider getting him in your back or forwardline now though?


Still too midrange. I'd rather have a kid scoring me 70's and generating me cash than a 300 scoring me 90s (for now) and not increasing in price as much.

The option is either a kid or an elite, and he's neither.

Keep in mind the two useless teams carlton have defeated. Unaccountable in the midfield. Wait till houlihan plays vs stkilda/sydney/geelong/port adelaide, and you might see some low scores.

Im just sayin dont get overexcited with his performances so far. He's value for a 300 player, but he's not elite. I dont have him, but i wouldn't mind him. Plenty of other guys i'd wished more i'd hopped on the train like goodes.

The reason i picked malceski over him was malceski's history. Before the knee injury he was the highest scoring backman in the league (from memory). If he can get close to that again he's a super-bargain that wont need to get traded. He may still need trading, but thats the risk/reward i've taken.

Houlihan will eventually need to get traded if you want to get some big scores. He isn't elite and i dont think he ever will be. He'll score well when carlton do well. Malceski should (in theory) score well against everyone if his knee is sweet.


@username I wouldn't personally. Would rather go a rookie as Bo said. Even an average rookie should rake in 200k+ in profit, whilst Houlihan will need to go up to 500k to make that much... and he is 200k more expensive to start off. In my opinion I want players that fit into 3 categories.
He is none of the above (at least there are better players that fit into each category than he does)
He's not a keeper and therefore not a breakout and rookies make better cash cows. They only reason you'd pick him over a rookie is list safety. But at where we are at in the season you should know most of the rookies that will play and therefore forfeiting the need for him.


Good posts by Bo and Marcus. Marcus, what were you doing up so early?



Cool9:- The reason is simple. Bo & Marcus put their clocks forward 1 hour instead of back. Hence the early start.


Was on so late cos I wrote it after coming home from a night out.


He only needs to average 55 to be worth his starting price. (because of the 20% reduction)
He has scored 99 and 95 in the first 2 rounds.
One of the best value picks going around i think.


predicted price rise for houlian? 50k maybe?


If he continues to score 95-99 he will peak at around 480 000. It's a slow price raise though. About Round 12 before you get to 480 000.


even if you do have to wait 12 rounds if he keeps scoring like that he is hardly dragging your score down


Yea for sure. If he scores 95-99 for the rest of the year he'd be one of the last you'd want to trade out.


Yeah he will average around 80 I reckon...definitely a keeper and not a cash cow, much like Higgins. Sure they are mid priced but if they can average 80 there is no point trading them...