Glad I didn't pick Houlihan

Started by Marcus, March 27, 2009, 11:41:39 AM

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I will probably get flamed for this but w/e.
I am glad I didn't pick Houlihan. Did not look impressive at all (actual playing wise) and scored shower until junk time points. Even up to late in the 3rd quarter he wasn't scoring well. When he did start scoring they were 100% junk disposals (which were of no special quality).
But I do have Raines... *fingers crossed on his knee*


I'm glad you didn't pick Houlihan either. Makes it easier for me to finish above you.


doesnt matter how you get points mate
he got 99 which is good enough


The 99 is great. And no doubt who cares who you get it as long as you get it...
To an extent... to me it seems like he just won't score well unless the Blue's do well.
But you can all rub it in my faces when he scores this every week haha. :D


And like I said... not surprised people would think I'm an idiot for making such an outlandish statement.
The season has finally started though! Isn't it nice :) GL everybody


well i picked raines instead of houlihan. well well, i may have to make a first week trade cos raines went down, and the replacement will probably be houlihan. hope raines is ok for rd 2


Houlihan will score well as Carlton will score well.

In junk time, well who gives a shower, points are points.

Would've score more if not for the FA's also.


THe "thank god I didnt pick Houlihan" guy is a strange cat - $300K for a guy who gets 99 R1 - not good enough???? What have you been smoking. By your logic my skipper GAJ should get 700 pts per, or he traded out????


Raines is a 3 - 4 (maybe more) week loss - you guys who think he's back in a week need to re-assess. Do somehomework like the AFL sites injuury list. Crikey, one of the biggest logistical headaches to present after R1 and you blokes dont even know how bad raines is? - WUASTC (wake up and smell the coffee)


By the time Houlihan has to go, he'll have made money, so what's the problem?


haha. I love it how some people think this competition is a 1 round affair. Every round you have someone going nuts about a player and how he scored.
How many of you who commented actually watched the game?
He played terribly. Even when they were DOMINATING. ONLY when they were smashing to the extent that they thought we should rest our stars did he get points. They were 80% SUPER junktime... I just don't think he will score anyway near as well in future rounds.
He was playing on the wing most of the game. With Murphy Simpson Judd Gibbs (and to an extent Wiggins) in the team and him playing on the wing he hardly got any of the ball until they were benched to rest.
Like I said if he keeps it up go ahead and flame me. I'll admit defeat. But until then try and at least understand what I'm saying. If all you're going to say is you're an idiot then just don't post.
btw. Round 1 score only contributes to 1 price change... if he scores 50-60 in the next 3 rounds he won't increase enough to make money.
Having said that they play Lions and Essendon next so he might junk it up then too! But then it's Sydney, Dogs, Hawthorn... so don't get too excited.


Round 1 contributes v. poorly to price - agreed.

If he keeps playing the wing, maybe there's a problem. But let's see if that's where he remains, huh?

If he gets forward, I reckon watch out (I am an optimist though...).


Marcus - spot on mate.
I have him and was a bit disappointed during the game.
DT stats but SC was similar
Q1 -17
Q2 - 17
Q3 - 16
Q4 - 44
So he was on his way to about 60-70 before junk.
Which is prob enough for his price but nothing fantastic.


@JBail - Right on, 60-70 is perfectly fine for the price he costs.
And in no way was I trying to insult those who had him (after all he scored 99).
I simply meant what I stated. I'm glad I didn't pick him because I feel I made better picks over him and he was in serious contention for making my team.



I understand your logic.

But look at the historical numbers.
In 2007, he played 21 games at an average of 85.
Preseason he puts out 3 games at an average of 79.
So most coaches are saying to themselves if he can get near his 07 av., there's some money to be made. In fact, even if he averaged 80, his price should peak at about $430k.

I'll happily take that profit.

Truth is that he would only need to average 55 to maintain his starting price.

He'll do better than that.