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WCE Financial Issues

Started by stevemac, June 18, 2010, 09:23:29 AM

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I've heard that West Coast management missed player payments twice last month.

Is there any chance the players could go on..
wait for it



Instead of payments maybe they will give out

wait for it

Legs of HAMS!!


sounds like they've got themselves in quite a notte, maybe they could lynch a swift protest.


Well that just sucks Cox! Maybe they'll have to sack their Butler and go back to drinking Waters because they need a serious Sheppard to get the Spangher out of the works. Or maybe they could just Selwood on the side to bring in some extra money!



There pays are performanced based!!!  ;D


Quote from: Blueboys on June 18, 2010, 10:41:07 AM
There pays are performanced based!!!  ;D

In that case then, the Eagles should be the most financial club in the AFL.  Can imagine the accountants meeting on Monday

Rent = $x
Merchandise sales = $x
Player Payments = $0


After all the players left & travelled over the river of muddy Waters Cox started to feel Cockie on the way to his place to get a Broome to sweep up all the broken Glass & NicNats left lying around & to watch repeats of the Sullivans & reruns of the assination of Kennedy & also when the then governor general Kerr avoided a Lynch crazy mob trying to pull a Swift Strijk re the logging company avoiding paying taxes on Brown Selwood.

Re a quick Notte:> The Butler was behind it all as he was not a Sheppard he was out deliverying Hams whilst trying to get rid of chewy stuck to his Shuey with no Spangher. His partners were Smith & Jones   


Luckily Geelong don't pay their players on performance base because that town would seriously be broke.

The way some of the Eagles players are going they should be paying the club to play!


Quote from: naste on June 18, 2010, 10:51:02 AM
After all the players left & travelled over the river of muddy Waters Cox started to feel Cockie on the way to his place to get a Broome to sweep up all the broken Glass & NicNats left lying around & to watch repeats of the Sullivans & reruns of the assination of Kennedy & also when the then governor general Kerr avoided a Lynch crazy mob trying to pull a Swift Strijk re the logging company avoiding paying taxes on Brown Selwood.

Re a quick Notte:> The Butler was behind it all as he was not a Sheppard he was out deliverying Hams whilst trying to get rid of chewy stuck to his Shuey with no Spangher. His partners were Smith & Jones

get a job

Master Q