My Team - Should I stop trading?

Started by Carn, June 16, 2010, 12:06:54 PM

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Goddard, Hodge, Enright, Gilbee, Malceski, H.Shaw, Hunt
Davis, Weberelry
Ablett, Swan, Montagna, Bartell, Barlow, Mitchell
McNiel, Gysberts
Lobbe, Warnock
Chappy, Brown, ROK, Pav, Goodes, Higgins, Jpod
Rocklif, Hitchcock

Ranked 4781, 7 trades left and about 20K only in the bank. Going for highest score.

I feel that 7 trades will be a minimum for the rest of the year. Have I used to many already?



I would love to get rid of them but that would burn 4 trades. Which would leave me with 3 trades for the rest of the year. That is very dangerous.
These 2 will be the last to upgrade. Tippett is going to drive me crazy but can score well. Hunt will give me 70 per week. How many trades do people have?


If Davis is back this week, maybe put him on the ground, downgrade Hunt to someone and bench them. Then you can upgrade Tippett to Cox or something and you've only used two trades. It's a bit risky but chances are one of the three of Davis, Webberley, other will play each week and with five trades left, you can always trade one of them to avoid a donut come finals time. If Davis isn't back until next week, you can do it then and not trade yet. There isn't any real need for you to trade, your team is pretty good already. That is what I would do though. I have five trades left, by the way and from what I've seen of others not many people have as many as seven trades left. This could be well worth it.


keep 4 trades for finals, use 2 tops now for an upgrade and 1 for LTI's

That should see you right from here...  ;D



I am having to play Rockstar and Hitchcock now as Brown and Higgins are out. Are people thinking of trading Brown and/or Higgins? Is this a good move?

Master Q

Start trading In 2-4 Rounds, then keep the rest for finals.


Just do a hunt upgrade and you're team will be great for finals (3 trades for injuries &resting and then 4 for finals)

Tippett is coming good!


Updated team:

Goddard, Hodge, Enright, Gilbee, Malceski, H.Shaw, Duffield
Davis, Strijk
Ablett, Swan, Montagna, Bartell, Barlow, Mitchell
McNiel, Gysberts
Lobbe, Warnock
Chappy, Brown, ROK, Pav, Goodes, Higgins, Jpod
Rocklif, Hitchcock

Ranked 2,981, 5 trades left and about 40K in the bank. Going for highest score.

Looks like Barlow to Judd and then pray for no more injuries. Am I well placed for second half of the season?


i really like ur team

get rid of Barlow for Judd (I would go pendles personally)

then your team should be set, i hope for your sake Shaw performs because i am doubtful he can continue this run of form


Yeah I think your in a great position right now.

I have 3 trades left :( and still have to trade Barlow out :(

Yeah Barlow to Judd sounds good.


    Updated team:

    Goddard, Hodge, Enright, Gilbee, Malceski, H.Shaw, Duffield
    Davis, Strijk
    Ablett, Swan, Montagna, Bartell, Judd, Mitchell
    McNiel, Gysberts
    SANDILANDS, Tippett
    Lobbe, Warnock
    Chappy, Brown, ROK, Pav, Goodes, Rocklif, Jpod
    Higgins, Hitchcock

    Ranked 1761, 4 trades left and about 22K in the bank.

Who should I drop to get higgins back in?

  • Rocklif - scoring well
  • ROK - up and down
  • Pods - up and down
  • Leave higgins out?


leave higgins out

but if you really want him sub off rockliff


Rockliff has racked up 3 x 100 plus games in the last 3 weeks.
Jpod can score big
ROK can score big

Maybe your right Higgins hasn't really shown he can score big for a while. What about leaving J.Brown out as it might take him a bit of time to get back to form?