late bloomer HELP HELP HELP!!!

Started by tj123, March 25, 2009, 12:37:43 PM

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d day is looming... better get some experts opinions!!!

goddard, p.bourgoyne, c cornes, drummondm houlihan, raines, hill, (bench:cheney, petrenko)

ablet, judd, s.mitchell, j selwood,butler, rich,(bench: otten, beams)

hille, simmonds (bench: graham, spencer)

deledio, chapman, cloke, lucas, higgins, skipworth, henstchel (bench:yarren, walker)

224,900 left in the cap

thats a start so far...

where do you think i best spend the remainder of my cap? dont say cox as i want to buy him later in the season.

who do you believe should get the axe? and who should replace them?

cheers guys!!!


spend on forwards. keep deledio, higgins, skipworth. replace the rest.


with who?

keeping three out of 9 is pretty tough advice haha


ok, done a little bit of tweaking:

what about now???

goddard, p.bourgoyne, c cornes, drummondm houlihan, raines, hill, (bench:cheney, petrenko)

corey, judd, s.mitchell, j selwood,lokyer, rich,(bench: l.anthony, beams)

hille, cox (bench: a.browne, spencer)

deledio, n brown, b.harvey, higgins, skipworth, henstchel, yarren (bench:m.brown, walker)

66,000 left in cap

what are peoples thoughts now?


Haha what happened to buying Cox when his price came down?


was keen for the gamble... i still think cox will start slow this season... and who knows how much his cheek is going to affect him... but i thought id save a trade.

so what do people think of the forward line now?

should i invest the 66k or leave in the bank?


New forwardline is worse than old one.
Lockyer is a terrible option at that price for a mid, only way he gets a go in people's teams is as a backman.

To be honest your first team was a lot better :(
Just use the the 224k to upgrade Butler, and if you've got more money after that Simmonds