Phil Davis

Started by chrisuzz, June 05, 2010, 04:46:36 PM

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didnt see what happened to him just saw him getting stretchered off, watching the game on FOX sports 1 and they just said that the doctors was talking to him and he did not know where he was and that he will most likely be returning


He ran into a tree. A tree named Sandilands

roo boys!

yeah, heavy bump by big Sandi, stretchered off.


was playing well aswell keeping Pav quiet
He is now going to be losing me money :(

roo boys!

what was his BE? Ive got him too :'(



I bought Waite, thinking to mpp switcheroo with Davis. That plan is now Cr@p!

roo boys!

Damn. Not too much though, at least it wasnt eaarly on.


one of the most courageous things iv seen from a young player in a long time.

roo boys!

it was wasn't it? good to see.


I have Davis as cover this week for Franklin, Davis arm in a sling doesn't look good!  :'(

roo boys!

I have Brad Sheppard on the bench this week and Suban on the field. Sheppard had passed Suban at half time.


i just traded maguire to fwd/back cheapie for DP and if davis is out it stuffs that and if enright gets weeks i have to play webberly now instead of maguire. At least i got chappy


Phils aviD he didn't see him coming! How could you flowerin miss him? Comes from North Adelaide, tough Rooster, just clipped a wing-he be'll back before you can cock-a-doodle doo!


I hope your right McRooster.