backline too weak?

Started by fever, March 24, 2009, 02:08:01 AM

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hey guys,
figure this backline will make some money, but maybe has 1 or 2 too many "weak links". thoughts?

milburn, cornes, johncock, bower, raines, geary, petrenko (dawson, broughton)

bartel, selwood, kerr, cousins, haselby, masten (hill, rich)

cox, krueser (white, spencer)

harvey, pav, deledio, gamble, houlihan, higgins, skipworth (henderson, ziebell)


that is one of the worst teams i have ever seen seriously that is poo mate, not only is your backline to weak the rest of your team is. if there was an award for worst supercoach ever mabye you'd win that


well given you've replied exactly the same way to about 5 other teams too i'd say you can suck my nuts. get em in there, roll em around a bit. dickhead.

i also just swapped henderson from my fwd bench for WB grant, swapped kreuzer for mcintosh in the ruck, put hill to my backs bench and anthony in my mids.


get rid of johncock he wont be playign round 1 and mind wont be on the game for a while (his mum died over the weekend). Just out of curiousity do u have alot of free money left it just seems to me like u have a very cheap looking team...


got about 80k left over.

forwards and mids are a little top-heavy with cash used, then instead of looking for mid range players i went for youth/cheap to try and cash cow my way to a gun side by R12 or so.

i think i'll give johncock a chance. bench r1 obv, but then see if he goes ok for a few rounds because i like him at that price. if it doesn't work out i'll just trade him for waite or newman or someone.


also, thoughts on ryan gamble for 390k? i'm hoping he;s going to explode this year (for SC and just so geelong has a forward target worth kicking at).


just follow your gut instinct and make a D

no-one has a crystal ball

I find all these opinions just make things worse!

ALtho FWIW, yes, your defence looks light on to me


made some changes. thoughts?

milburn, p burgoyne, cornes, houli, raines, geary, hill (broughton, petrenko)

bartel, selwood, dalziel, cousins, hasleby, rich (anthony, ward (will he play for wb?))

cox, mcintosh (spencer, white)

pav, deledio, richo, hall, houlihan, higgins, skipworth (ziebell, j grant)


Dont like Hall, Milburn and Geary, the rest is nice and strong...

Hall is a hot head and burnt me twice in 2 years..
Milburn as gunna have the game pass him soon..
Geary does't seem to get the respect desrved by the coach..

Rate DAZZLER for me..


Disagree about Hall, I think there's some value there.  Agreed on other 2 Dazzler mentioned though.

Also, Dalziell has a ridiculous price tag for someone who's played 7 games.