How many trades do you have left??

Started by Cruiseon, May 18, 2010, 10:01:45 AM

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How many trades left?



Eight rounds in, did you catch the trade bug or have you shown discipline along the way.

As an aside which was your worst trade? Did you bring in Roo, Seaby, Tippet or even Goodes?


I have 13 trades left at the moment.  No glaringly bad trades, only stories of what could have been... Made a few bad calls at the start of the year like Danger, Hall, Roo & McVeigh, but going on numbers so far, the worst trade would be Roo to Jonno Brown. 

6 more trades to set my side, midfield gets finished off this week barring any LTI's, so 7 more left for injuries/severe form drops.  I hope that's still going to be enough...


16 left.  Worst one was to bring in Hurley.  Thought he might breakout after his problems and showing some form last year.  Should have known it is third year not second year that players tend to breakout.

Keeping him though, for now.  His MPP is a postive, like the Bombers I have played his at both ends.


13 trades, which is more than I'd have liked.

My Macdonald <--> Hargrave trade is looking like my worst one so far, though my last week trades of Drummond/Martin to Goddard/Hayes has already paid dividends.


Silvagni to Hargraves to leave Maguire on the pine and score a ton, loser.....


Ossie, did you say you've made 7 trades or 13????

Either way you surprise me, I had you as more the long term, big picture, thought out type of guy.


9 left, just need to dump Martin and mabye Hunt and I'm pretty much set.. worst trade was Masten to Boak, should of gone to a real premium instead of thinking I was cool and unique by getting Boak.


11 trades left for me.
worst trade for me would be roo to rok, only beacuse I was tossing up between him and chappy! got chappy now though after trading hall out last week! i can't catch a break at the moment!
also trading in hargrave seems pretty bad at the moment. thought he was turning it around but he hasnt!


Quote from: Cruiseon on May 19, 2010, 06:42:16 AM

Ossie, did you say you've made 7 trades or 13????

Either way you surprise me, I had you as more the long term, big picture, thought out type of guy.

I have 13 trades left Cruise! Only 1 trade I haven't been happy with. Some of my risks early on didn't pay off


Why has everyone traded so heavily, if you've playied supercoach in previous years we all know how bad injuries get towards the end of the season. If you have 12 trades left you better pray nothing bad happens otherwise its gonna be a long year. Remember last year.... Pavlich missed last 4 games, Saints players all missed games, and this year looks no different J.Brown has groin issues, Hawks players will miss games coz they will bottom out, saints are struggling which = more injuries. Ablett will surly fall over for 2-3 weeks sometime. Hmmmm why ohh why does everyone trade so early! it happens every year you'd think you'd learn your lesson!

I heard someone say they wanted to trade waters out for O'Hopeless... how stupid is that!


Yeah, I have traded more heavily than I liked. I agree!

But so far have traded out Riewoldt, Drummond, Roberts and Macdonald as what I see as 'forced' trades and cashed in Martin, Bastinac, Banner.


Agreed, I have 16 left and feel pretty good given this poll outcome.

I genuinely believe you need to have 1 trade per remaining round left and a minimum of 4 going into finals. In reality I had 4 going into the finals last year and won all 3 of my GFs (sorry to brag but it was a good year) but 5 would have been better.


i dont get your theories? i hae 12 trades left, in a couple of weeks i plan to have 8, with my team set and good bench cover everywhere, do you guys honeslty think my bench players and 8 players will go down for unmanagable periods of time? there may be 12 rounds left but you are quite unlucky to avergae 1 injury every round?? i say that because i will have 8 trades and  6 bench cover so really it would have to be 10 or 12 players either dropped or injured just to get me a donut?

Harry T

Got 17 left but by far the worst was the hunt => Hargrave
Can't believe I fell for such a rookie spud error!!

Justin Bieber

13 trades left but might be 11 by lockout ;).