School Rankings....

Started by Hellopplz, May 17, 2010, 11:42:54 AM

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Justin Bieber

For all those that want to gloat about leading their school ranking, feel free to do it here .

I'm doing well considering i suck at dt :P. Coming in second by 300 points or so in total. Will only get better :D


gaaahhh i figured out that the first few rounds dont count to the school comp.

i am really averaging about 2000 but for school i average 1920:(

Justin Bieber

I'm averaging about 50 more for my school than i am in total ;D. But its still not enough :'(.


my boy is ranked 1 for his school average is 1990.40 per round but his average score overall is 1924.50 because he had a couple of crappy rounds before the school comp started.he is now 255 points clear of second place before the round he was only 70 points in front.


Why did the school comp not start until later? It gave newbs the chance to burn trades and get a decent team, and also didnt count my two best scores.


haha agree, i had my highest score in those rounds and it wasnt counted, then when it started, i got a few crap scores

roo boys!

Oh yeah, I'm glad it started later cos I didn't check team before round 1 so had Playfair, Watts, Jesse Smith, Speight, etc so was getting 1600's cos decided to sit on trades after haveing 13 left after 4 or 5 weeks! Now am coming better and getting 2000's and having league wins too, beat Birdman Burton this week. Easy!


If i could replace my first 2 round scores with rounds 3 and 4 i would be coming first in NSW, instead im about 400-500 behind the leader

Master Q

Quote from: jehan on May 18, 2010, 10:04:28 PM
If i could replace my first 2 round scores with rounds 3 and 4 i would be coming first in NSW, instead im about 400-500 behind the leader


I think I found a bug... could someone please check that its not my computer?
Go to Victoria, copy and paste the person who is coming second with the team name something like I.have.not.NOT or something like that, and search their team.
In the schools Victoria section, it says they scored 2374 last round.
If you search his team, you will find he only scored 2164 last round. Someone please check it out? Cheers.
(It makes a difference because that should push him down in the top 20, and I am only 21 points out of the top 20)

Russ dogga

its not a bug on ur comp. It says it on mine aswell!

Bit of contreversy!


Report it - you can fight City Hall!,15666.msg116188.html#msg116188

"There is a contact section on the supercoach site under help and rules where you can report things and I have sent them my concerns. I also thought I'd voice my concern here to let you guys know the situation and merely to vent my frustration."

Justin Bieber

You've got all our support Spite :D


Thanks all! I sent in my complaint, interesting to see how they look at it!


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