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Started by ossie85, May 05, 2010, 05:18:37 AM

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Don't think so R&B but, you ARE always on :P
Will be soon enough. Yeah I have spent a lot of time on here lately but with cricket coming and school going back I will start to come on less and less.

roo boys!

Yeah I know I am on heaps, I will check now because last time I think I was close...

roo boys!

Still 13 hours behind BOOMZ :(


Ohhh that can be made up sooner than you would think ;)

BOOMZ is still on a fair bit though.

roo boys!

A few days talking about FTP and bob's your uncle! ;D


Yeah FTP is a crazy addiction :o :o :o :o
Not as exciting when you run out of money though. Kind of like life ;)

roo boys!

I still get worried spending 20k because I am only mid 200k but some big attendances coming up...


lol try having under 1k see how you feel :P
I have hat to make it so my academies just stay at reasonable and I have to cut wages and not buy players :'(

How much do you spend on wages? :o

roo boys!

Roughly $76,801 per week.


Wow how much sponsorship money do you get?

roo boys!


Wait, with roughly 30k coming for gate keepings and 5,00 ground maintenance then money in your academies- You would be very slowly losing your money :P

roo boys!

40k roughly for takings, sometimes a bit more, 6k ground service, 75k in academies so yep..
But I am selling a number of guys per week, hoping to get some big sales..


But eventually you would run out of players? Well, anyway I have to go to bed.

roo boys!