Statistical Clarifications Please...?

Started by langej, May 04, 2010, 11:12:23 PM

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Chaps and Chappette's...

I have some DT scoring questions I am hopeful some guru can resolve...

1.  After a point against, kick in to yourself then a 50m punt down the line - does the 50m punt count?
2. Kick out of bounds on the full, what does that score a +3 -3 =0?
3. Kick out of bounds on the full, person receiving the kick, do they get points for the free kick?
4. Does a smothered Kick count?
5. Does a kick into the man on the mark count?
6. Does a kick off the ground count?  a toe poke?
7. Will a person who plays and scores a 0 be substituted?

Thanks in advance!!  :)

Justin Bieber

Kick to yourslef doesn't count but the punt does.
smothered kick i think is counted.
Yes to the player being substituted as long as he isn't on field when the 1st quarter starts.

Pretty sure any kick (except kick out) is counted but not entirely sure. Haven't checked the rules for a while...


Quote from: langej on May 04, 2010, 11:12:23 PM
Chaps and Chappette's...

I have some DT scoring questions I am hopeful some guru can resolve...

1.  After a point against, kick in to yourself then a 50m punt down the line - does the 50m punt count?
2. Kick out of bounds on the full, what does that score a +3 -3 =0?
3. Kick out of bounds on the full, person receiving the kick, do they get points for the free kick?
4. Does a smothered Kick count?
5. Does a kick into the man on the mark count?
6. Does a kick off the ground count?  a toe poke?
7. Will a person who plays and scores a 0 be substituted?

Thanks in advance!!  :)

1) Yes the punt counts as kick.  If the player doesnt kick to himself first then it doesnt count
2) Kick out of bounds still counts as a kick
3) Person kicking from an out of bounds gets the kick but not the Free For
4) I believe a smothered kick still counts
5) I believe a kick in to the man on the mark still counts
6) Not entirely certain about this one but I think it still counts
7) No, last year that was the case but I believe that was changed this year so that the score counts.


Quote from: valkorum on May 05, 2010, 12:19:26 AM
1) Yes the punt counts as kick.  If the player doesnt kick to himself first then it doesnt count

Is that really the case? That surprises me. It damn well counts against you if you kick straight to the opposition.


Why do you think Duffman scores quite well.  Kick to himself and then kick up the line - counts as 3 points every time he does it :)

Master Q


HI Guys,

Thanks for all your responses.  Somethings are still clear others are still not (there are a few 'I believe' and 'I thinks') but i appreciate the comments none the less. :-)

A kick out of bounds on the full.  So if the kick counts - is there a free kick against as well?

Master Q

langej, A kick out of bounds counts but then -3 for free against.

= 0



Quote from: Master Q on May 05, 2010, 07:50:02 AM
langej, A kick out of bounds counts but then -3 for free against.

= 0

No that is incorrect.  The boys from DT Talk investigated that last year and you get 3 points for the kick and it is not a free against.


2)3 points
6)no only if its marked or scores


Yeah Valk is right. Interesting quirk.


okay im sorry im a bit slow but can someone give me a stright answer...

here is the scenario....

duffman has the ball in the square after a point against freo.

he boots it down the groung without playing on. 3 points or none?

Justin Bieber

No. The kick out doesn't count to score. Only if he kicked to himself then punted it, he would get 3 points then.


grrrrrr duffield play on mate you know you want to...
thaks HP