luke ball, trade or keep?

Started by Jimbo_11, May 04, 2010, 08:01:24 AM

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is luke ball's 124 on the weekend a sign of better things to come
or did he just fluke it and be traded out now while his price is still decent?



it shows what his potential more TOG than his usual 73%


the guy got 20 touches and got 124
judd gets 37 touches and gets 110

pretty self explanatory


His Kick to handball ratio was much better versus carlton on the weekend. That wont always be the case though. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come. Malthouse gave him a pretty good wrap so maybe he is due a little more TOG.


how bout the article in todays age, i think everyones jumping on the bandwagon, plus did u buy him as a premium or a cash cow? if premium do not trade


This might give him the confidence he needs to start putting some better performances on the park, but keep in mind he definitely won't bag 3 goals every week.

124 - 18 = 106. Still a great score thanks to his tackling, but just sayin'...
