Chris Masten & Cyril Rioli

Started by eaglesman, May 03, 2010, 01:23:53 PM

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C Masten & Rioli Out Who In?

Get K Cornes and H Grundy
0 (0%)
Get J Selwood and H Grundy
2 (66.7%)
Get B Ebert and D Giansiracusa, A Didak or H Grundy
0 (0%)
Get D Mundy and D Gainsiracusa, A Didak or H Grundy
1 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1


yeah but he is going crap house. And btw if i get mundy or Ebert they won't score as much but it means i can upgrade Cyril to a premium i.e giansiracusa didak plus ebert and mundy will get you 80 + points most weeks.


i know maten is injured but is there a particular reason other then the fact he is scoring poorly that you want to drop him?


inconsistent. When you think about it if i upgrade Masten to Mundy or Ebert and then upgrade Rioli to either Giansiracusa or didak it will make me more points than if i go Masten to K Cornes and Rioli To Grundy won't it?



Mate, I dont know why you ask. Everytime someone else says something you just disagree with it. In the end you just need to do what you want. Rioli trade is stupid, Gia wont score like he has once Boyd comes back. Didak is probably just as inconsistent. Masten has to be done. But J Selwood looks the goods to me. dropped heaps in value.


haha....we given u advice...take it but at theend of the day its ur team and if uv made up ur mind and ur happy with it do it


As you would know C Masten is injured an C Rioli is getting tagged most weeks and is going crap. So this is my situation. What ever the outcome from this poll will be what i do this week so please help me out.
I have 17 trades remaining.


Rioli to Grundy is a sideways trade. I don't like that particular trade. However, I do like Masten to J Selwood.


How many threads are you going to start asking the same question????