Couldnt Rivalry Round be fixtured better?

Started by nick33, May 01, 2010, 03:12:29 AM

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I actually wouldnt mind the rivalry round played during the split round.  That way you can savour every rivalry match


yeh i read that in the comments bout the story. prob a good suggestion, would love to lap up all these rivalry clashes!


What about next year? I think it should be the round GC don't play.  Then they can play GWS when they join the competition.  Rivalry against the new boys. ;)


surely GC/BL and GWS/SS would be better rivalry matches. I know the swannies have been a bit antsy about the GWS team.


That would actually be good having Rivalry a Split round. Some of the matchups in Rivalry round are pretty stubid as well. Why Richmond and Geelong? Should be Melb V Richmond and Geelong V Roos. Better matches and better rivalries.