Judd, yes or no???

Started by steje008, April 30, 2010, 01:46:02 PM

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What is everyones thoughts on getting Judd this week?  im thinking of trading either Mitchel or Watson for him? let me know....



its bin said many times in other threads u shld get gibbs hayes or even selwood over him all are higher scoring dt players and are bottoming out this weekor next


and also i would hang on to both mitchel and watson the only possible reason to trade mitchel this week would be if ure gna cop a 0 and lose ure league game.. but if u have cover i would keep both of them


Judd is about to play his 3rd game how can you not consider the price increase?


The only reason Judd's price rise is important MP is because he will be more expensive next week if he plays well this week. He will come down again. He's not a Cash Cow, so really price isn't important for me.

Look at Brown, everyone jumped on him; now he's cheaper than when he started... He's there because he's a keeper. Do not contemplate a sideways trade steje008. I would only upgrade to Judd


I would have to agree, Judd's a keeper. Barring any long term injury, if you got him now, i would stick with him for the year


Quote from: Fletch74 on April 30, 2010, 10:41:45 PM
The only reason Judd's price rise is important MP is because he will be more expensive next week if he plays well this week. He will come down again. He's not a Cash Cow, so really price isn't important for me.

Look at Brown, everyone jumped on him; now he's cheaper than when he started... He's there because he's a keeper. Do not contemplate a sideways trade steje008. I would only upgrade to Judd
Yes that is what I meant to say. He will be more expensive next week. I just did not word it correctly


Barring a freakish bad game from Judd he should be going up in price this week, so I can understand why people would want to jump on him this week (to save on spending the extra money to get him in the side)


You shouldnt be sideways trading to get him (unless it is LTI sideways trade). 


Well said Valk. Think you said what we were all trying to!


I thought about getting Judd in this week, but I was able to afford Ablett so I got him instead


Bad luck in getting Ablett this week, gut above me. Judd- GO for it