Sorry about the lateness: Round 5 Scores for DTér of the Round.

Started by Master Q, April 28, 2010, 06:08:19 AM

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Master Q

Sorry guys for me being late, post your scores rank and team name... you know how it works. Lockout is when i find a great score which no one has beaten ;D




Master Q

Quote from: Carnthedockers on April 28, 2010, 06:21:58 AM
Banyards Brothers 2181
791 for the round
3rd Overall
Wow, 3rd! But unforutnately not the better weekly score of exlams :( I'll still try to give you a notice :).


Justin Bieber

Quote from: Carnthedockers on April 28, 2010, 07:29:10 AM
Thanx Q. Having Boyd on the bench killed me!
Be happy with your 3rd place ;) ;D. Congratz on bronze ;D. Might have a contender in exlam rising through the ranks.

One of these days, my scores will be high enough to be posted in here :D


thanks HP, but doubt it.

should have been closer to 100th if i didn't muck about with nic nat -> seamus macnamara in 2nd or 3rd round when with itchy fingers and not having any trades done I swapped seamus onto the field for fun and forgot to put nic nat back, cost me about 65 points in total


scored 2197 this week pretty happy top of my league 2 from 2 :)


I scored 2146, my best in DT career!
How do ya find your weekly ranking though?


Quote from: Dave085 on April 29, 2010, 02:45:19 AM
I scored 2146, my best in DT career!
How do ya find your weekly ranking though?

Where it has your Team name and logo, in that same box is a red but that says don't panic! PUSH IT! na jk. There is a red button 'view all results'


Cool, cheers miss pies. Well weekly ranking was 2165 with score of 2146.

Master Q