The "overall rank" vs "league wins" furphy

Started by Cool9, April 28, 2010, 04:29:49 AM

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OK everyone, explain to me how someone in the upper ranks of supercoach isn't also winning all their league matches? I often read "depends on whether you are going for league wins or overall rank" but can't understand what the difference is, given the objective in either case is to score as many the hell points as you can. The crunch point (and maybe the only reason you would conserve too many trades) is finals in rounds 19-22, but if you're trying to win supercoach you'll still want to blitz those rounds as well as the other 18.

So, I say trade well, pace your trading, and enjoy the points. 8)


You know I had always thought the same thing, surely if you are higher up in the overall rankings then you would be winning your matches. A good example comes to mind was when roo got injured and people were asking should they trade straight away or wait, and people would respond if you want higher rank trade straight away, but if going for league wins hold your trade. This doesn't make sense to me cos surely if going for league wins you would want to trade him for another premium right away instead of say letting hitchcock take his place on the field which would lose you say 80 points a game. That can easily be the difference between winning and losing a match.
Thats just how I see it though, obviously others will see it differently


because if ur playing someone that is no good in ur league then why not wait for a rookie to go up in price more than splash out n waste a bit of money....i.e i was gonna get ablett last week for martin but instead i played a weak opponent n won n then martin goes up more than ablett did hence me making or saving more money....

i dunno wot everyone else thinks but i dun c the point in trading a rookie like martin or trengrove or barlow or scully etc if they still hav plenty  to give...i know that each of those 4 are still in the minus for breakevens or close enough to it so why not wait another week or 2 or 3 to make u or save u more money


well i guess thats true about playing a weaker opponent. i guess i hadn't thought of that because most of the teams in my league are pretty strong, i'm averaging the most but only by a few points each week.
that thing about rookies i agree with though because when they have such a low breakeven its worth keeping, but i was referring to trading out injured players in general.
my aim is to get as high up in the rankings as possible, by doing that i should win most games at the same time


It's simple really!

If you're winning overall, chances are you are using more trades. You may run out of trades by finals time. If you're going for a league win, you might cop the odd-donut depending who you play in a given week, in order to save trades for finals.

Not a furphy at all!

A friend of mine scraped into the 8 using this method, and then took out the flag from a guy who average over 300 more than he did over the year.


Quote from: CrowsFan on April 28, 2010, 05:41:23 AM
. A good example comes to mind was when roo got injured and people were asking should they trade straight away or wait, and people would respond if you want higher rank trade straight away, but if going for league wins hold your trade. This doesn't make sense to me cos surely if going for league wins you would want to trade him for another premium right away instead of say letting hitchcock take his place on the field which would lose you say 80 points a game.
To me this is a bad example. You see if you wait 2 weeks with Roo, you may lose 2 games but you ca still easily finish on top of your league, where as for overall if you didn't trade roo losing those 80-100 points a weeks for 2-3 weeks could seriously hurt your ranking and be tough to recover. Another reason is waiting on Roo trade to save money on a prem coming down in price, could potentially mean you have to trade out less cash cows, thus saving a trade, a trade you can use in finals for league win.


QuoteIf you're winning overall, chances are you are using more trades. You may run out of trades by finals time. If you're going for a league win, you might cop the odd-donut depending who you play in a given week, in order to save trades for finals.

I see what you mean Ossie, but don't necessarily agree you need to use more trades to go well early. The top teams get the initial selection largely right and then tweak it all the way to round 22. If you're in a strong league I suspect there is less difference between ranking/league wins strategy as you won't win with donuts and dud players.

In a weak league I guess you could cruise though minor rounds with a dodgy team then trade like a trooper for finals, but what does winning a weak league like this really tell you about your skill level?

If you leave all your trades late, you are leaving early-season points on the table. If you use all your trades early, you leave late-season points on the table when the donut monster strikes.

I think the real skill in supercoach is squeezing the most points possible out of your team over the course of 22 rounds, and if this is done well, you should still have a cracking team for those last few rounds and league results should follow.


Quote from: Cool9 on April 28, 2010, 08:02:34 AM
If you leave all your trades late, you are leaving early-season points on the table. If you use all your trades early, you leave late-season points on the table when the donut monster strikes.

That is true! It is a balance.

For instance, I played a team on the weekend who was clearly better than me across the first four rounds. When we met in round 5, that team had used 7 trades and my team used 2 trades, and I managed a (very close) win. So yeah, trades really need to be thought through.


Quote from: ossie85 on April 28, 2010, 09:20:58 PM
Quote from: Cool9 on April 28, 2010, 08:02:34 AM
If you leave all your trades late, you are leaving early-season points on the table. If you use all your trades early, you leave late-season points on the table when the donut monster strikes.

That is true! It is a balance.

For instance, I played a team on the weekend who was clearly better than me across the first four rounds. When we met in round 5, that team had used 7 trades and my team used 2 trades, and I managed a (very close) win. So yeah, trades really need to be thought through.
Assuming you're talking about your match against Hilly? Definitely, using trades at the right time is crucial to league wins, where as it is the trades you make and not when you make them for overall, f that makes sense.


Higher rank, it doesn't matter when your team peaks. You can win the overall comp and have a crappy last week.

If you want to win your league ($300 to the winner of my league), then you want your best scores to come at the end of the year, so you should be far more reluctant to make early trades.


although the balance is crucial because if you neglect your team at the star it could cost you a good spot in your league or make it impossible to fix by the end of the year.


Percentage is important if you are going for a league win anyway, to get that coveted top 4 spot and the double chance in finals. So, you want to smash everyone all year if you can.


Trades are more important than top 4 spots. Last year I made the top4 and left second week to the guy who came 6th and won the whole thing cause he saved trades.

If you plan on needing a double chance, you aint gonna win the league.


Are you saying you can't win your league if you finish in the top 4? Ridiculous

roo boys!

Im more going for a leauge win, dont stand a top 1000 chance for overall after i really stuffed up the first 4 rounds