Emergencies - scores and subs

Started by rdw206, April 27, 2010, 05:01:39 AM

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NOTE that in the 2010 competition, players who are actually named and in the starting 22 for any match, AND score a 0 for any reason, will NO LONGER be replaced by an emergency. Their 0 score will also have an affect on their value, being recorded as having played a game.

got this off dt website.my question is joel corey was a late withdrawal but named in starting 22.the person i`m playing has him does she get the points from her emergency or not?



From the starting 22! The 22 that run through the banner, late withdrawals work like they did last year.


but that makes no sense at all because last year if your player ran onto the field and scored a donut you got a big donut.your emergency did not replace that donut.i know this because i receive one last year from a player that  got injured on zero right at the start and never got the score from my emergency.so really there is not change to the rules at all.


if your player is on the pitch when the first ball is bounced you get a zero if not emerg will replace


exactly what i just said there is no change to the rule at all.so why have they written that note at all?


Not sure the answer to your question but i have one (and thought i'd post it here rather then make a new thread):

My opponent named a VC only and not a captain, does the VC captains points get doubled? (On the DT live scoring page the points haven't doubled even though all matches are finished) I need to know because if they get doubled I lose by 1 pt!!!!!!!!!!!

Justin Bieber

Pretty sure they do Wooly. Very unlucky :o


Quote from: rdw206 on April 27, 2010, 05:32:58 AM
exactly what i just said there is no change to the rule at all.so why have they written that note at all?

mate you are on crack. last year if a player went down in the first minute of the game and hadnt scored, an emergency replaced him. this year if the same things happens then its bad luck.




thatguy think that you are wrong did you have it happen to you last year?and i`m am not a guy and i`m not on crack you stupid moron so watch your effing mouth.


rdw you obviously are on crack you foul mouthed whore. players who scored a zero have always had emergency replacements.. the system wasnt smart enough to know who played other than looking for players with zero stats

Justin Bieber

Calm down you guys. He was just asking a question. No need to get all snappy.


My team:

Tell me whether this would work or not.
For some reason I was adament it would, and that it has...
but i may be totally wrong... and one doesnt want to stuff up these things