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new layout suggestion?

Started by falcon, April 24, 2010, 10:51:48 PM

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yehh... u really carnt do much with that.


falcon, let me say before I start that I appreciate what you're doing. Sorry if I came off as a bit snippy in your previous thread, my fault entirely.

If you're going to do a new design for the FF live scores, there are a few rules.

1. All elements have to fit within a 1024 pixel width. At the moment you've got the content at 1024 but two ads either side expanding it out to 1280, which is not workable.

2. There must be one wide skyscraper (160x600), one leaderboard (728x90) and one medium rectangle (250x300) ad. These are not negotiable. I have to make money out of the site so that I can continue to provide the service. Creating a design at the expense of advertising might make it look cleaner, but I won't be able to approve it.

2a. Having said that, I am very much open to shifting those ads to a different configuration, e.g. swapping the medium rectangle for the wide skyscraper. At least two of them have to be "above the fold", which means that they must be viewable in a 1024x768 page when you first load it, without scrolling. Effectively this means that two of the ads have to be in the top 600 pixels, when you take into account browser menus and buttons at the top. Also, the current FootyTips ad has to be included - this pretty much means the leaderboard has to stay where it is for this season, imo. But if you've got a better-looking design, I'm all ears.

3. Screen real estate on that page is fairly tight, and by looking at the rest of the site you must know that I'm not a fan of white space. That's not to say that I can't be convinced otherwise, but if I see anything that looks in the slightest way "loose" I am not going to like it, I will warn you ahead of time.

4. I haven't got live access to exotic stats such as those at the bottom of your second effort. I also don't see the need for a live ladder. Try not to clutter up the page with stuff that isn't absolutely necessary for fantasy coaches.

Maybe that doesn't leave you much wiggle room, I don't know. I'm not sure why you think the page needs such a radical restructure. Some explanation as to the reasons for your design decisions would help greatly.

I look forward to seeing what you can come up with.


Quote from: falcon on April 25, 2010, 03:28:08 AM
Just a suggestion man.. jeez chill.

I like the site the way it is. It is plain and simple. I have been to other footy forums and you just can not navigate sh*t for peanuts.
I think leaving the pretty colours to the footy jumpers.

We know you are trying to help and I am sure m0ntz appreciated the effort you spent on the re-design. Maybe put your efforts elsewhere?. You obviously have some talent. :)

@ m0ntz - Hehehe I noticed you snuck in a nice little add on the bottom right then can be pushed away :)
And the edition of underlined words that link :)
Very classy way of advertising m0ntz. Good work.