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Something Important

Started by MissPiesFF, April 24, 2010, 05:02:12 PM

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Hey guys,

At some point with in the next 2 weeks I will not be posting on FF or even be able to edit my DT or SC for up to 4 months. I am not sure where I am going has internet connection. I may be able to borrow a laptop and some wireless. But I am at this point unsure of all the details and rules of where I am going.

The reason I am posting this is just in case I do not have internet connection where I am going would one of you like to put your hand up to keep the NAB Rising Star Nomination competition going, along with my DT and SC. You would have access to my account and it will be made public who ever wishes to take the role on. So that everyone knows it will not be me posting.

No I am not going to jail if that's what any of you are thinking ROFL. In fact this is much more serious very very much more serious . *I can hear your minds ticking away wondering what could be more serious than jail? lol*

Hopefully this will not be needed. Because I really enjoy my time here on the forum and you guys at the front bar. It keeps me sane lol.

PS. Just taking pre-cautions as I will know in a few days what is what. But I will most likely be leaving unexpectedly and not have time to get this organized.


I reckon you joined the army. Makes sense you don't say where you're going and oh wait your kids nm. I will do the NAB rising star for you if you'd like, but I'd e very nervous to overtake your DT/SC for that long, especially seeing as I'm not very good at DT :S

Justin Bieber

Hope your mysterious trip goes well. An expected trip set to last 4 months :o. Got to be an emergency overseas :(

Maybe get naste or Q to run your dt if you can't.


naste would do a good job and you did it for him so it makes sense... although he always seems to be in Hawaii...


I do not really want to post it on here. But if you want to know what's going on 'to the regulars only' just pm me :)