Pods, Hitchcock and Wright

Started by DevilsReject, April 23, 2010, 11:01:09 AM

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Which is the best option?

Hitchcock to Pods
Wright to Pods
No Trade


OK my current forward line setup is this:

J Brown, R O'Keefe, S Higgins
B Harvey, H Ballantyne, P Dangerfield, T Rockliff

Bench: S Wright, C Hitchcock

Now this week Wright and Ballantyne have been named on an extended bench and Hitchcock is injured. Furthermore Wright has scored...well...pathetically so far this season. He has actually dropped a bit in value. So I'm thinking of trading either Hitchcock or Wright to Pods, but who? Or don't make the trade at all? How many week of poor scores until Wright gets the cut?

19 trades left, $24,800 in the bank

Also I have to make the trades tonight as I will be traveling tomorrow and won't have access to the net until lockout has commenced. So no waiting for benches to be finalised.


Hitchy's the safer bet in he's actually out for certain.