The ongoing eliminator result thread

Started by Prospector_1, April 20, 2010, 04:34:14 AM

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Still in?

Yes - in for another week
3 (14.3%)
No - out this week
2 (9.5%)
Gone for a while now
4 (19%)
Long Gone
3 (14.3%)
Long, long, loooong gone
9 (42.9%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Voting closed: July 24, 2010, 09:10:56 PM

Master Q

Quote from: Hellopplz on May 03, 2010, 10:14:23 AM
Won mine 2088 vs 1683. Quite a domination due to Ablett missing and most of his guns failing to fire.
Well done HP, still surviving aswell :)


I won, 2091 vs 1992... could have been alot different if ablett was playing


Made it through again, 2190 to 1832 ;D

After an opening few weeks of lacklustre performances the team has really done me proud last 2 weeks :)
Very happy just now (that will change once injuries,reports,late withdrawals  etc once again drive me insane!! ::)).



agggghhhhh an emergency stuff up (shuey insted of JKT) messed up my team and copped three midfield donuts (GAJ, Mitchell and martin)


2021-1658, a relatively easy advancement for The Pack


QuoteI lost mine 2052 Vs 2103

Unlucky mate.


Round 6 - WIN
def Op-T-Mystic
1907 - 1459

I am happy to get away with the win even though I have Seaby, H Shaw and a donut


scraped in by 18 point !!!   thanks GAJ for having a week off!!


Beat a guy ranked 5239...1900 to 1885.


Got through by about 200 just hope i can make it through again this week....


You will probably think im lieing but anyways.. My dads team a draw on the eliminator and won because of his overall score.. and my dad have pav :O saved to game with the goal after the sireen


Quote from: nathanswards on May 05, 2010, 02:23:31 AM
You will probably think im lieing but anyways.. My dads team a draw on the eliminator and won because of his overall score.. and my dad have pav :O saved to game with the goal after the sireen
Even if ur lying its a good story... lol



last week beat Pubes by over 900
this week beat Maca's Magoos by 387