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How many is too many?

Started by Carnthedockers, April 15, 2010, 09:41:31 AM

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I don't think it is a problem. i'm sure I have more cat players in my team than you have Freo ones.


i currently have 5 cat keepers, with 3 in the mid (ABS) i dont think its too badto have heaps of players from a top team, but if the dokcers dont keep up their current from you may be in a bit of problem if they start to lose


yeah thanks guys ui have 4 hawks, 4 cats and soon 4/5 dockers:(


Dosnt really matter as long as that team is playing well hence Freo good option. just be careful with the whole resting players thing at the end of the season but tipping Geelong St's types are the only teams that will do that.


only problem i see is if you have too many players from say, the hawks, if have a bad game 1 wk u will lose points. another example is like the saints did last year in the last few minor rounds, when they rested 4-6 top guns every wk


just realised that i have 5 freo players Sandi, Pav, Duffman, Barlow, Balla, but will be 4 by the end of next week with Balla going to Dids or Stevie J


I find it more interesting the opposite way around, ie I have 0 starting players from Port, Melbourne, North Melbourne, Richmond, Adelaide, Essendon... anyone have an advance on 6 missing clubs? :P