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Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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Quote from: cookie311993 on September 29, 2011, 11:00:56 PM
An interesting take on something you know little about... Why am I not surprised?

I'll take the criticism that I've been been fairly close to abysmal on the off site as of late as being fair. (although it has been said "it is better to keep quiet, and be thought of as a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it to the world")

However, I will ask the question as to why Bomber Boy had time to foward the message on to you, but not the time to reply to it, or to any of the other messages he was sent...

As to RGdubois being made assistant manager? Been manager before? Check! applied for Manager of another team? Check! Been an assistant for another team? Check! andyour question was "how is he a manager willing to put in the time?" I think if your going to fault the guy the grounds of putting in the time is one area where you can't.

I think "I can work with this guy, and I want to work with this guy" is fairly solid grounds for choosing to work with a person, so I can understand the appoinment. I agree there are others in the Canadian Community who are quite capable of doing the job, and will prove that in the future, but I don't agree that RGdubois doesn't bring somthing to the table.

I'm glad you are not saying that you should have been given the job.

To reply to your last paragraph, I will explain the election process: Anybody who wants to vote in the Canadian election can, and then the person who wins chooses who he wants to work with. If Nips had made election promises about the make-up of his management team, then I would see your point, but he didn't, and I don't. I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but am I reading your last sentance as an ultimatum "either RG is sacked, or I'm taking my ball and going home"? Because that's the way it is looking...

You know what my response would be to him?


my response was:
I am not sure if he will come back. He is pretty gutted and left pretty down in the dumps. Your side is strong and you have done the hard yards to build up a strong youth academy as I have done with my senior academy. The match engine this season has been a big issue which has been brought up on the game forums on numerous occasions.

I don't think Canada will be able to provide that for me as I have another nation who I have become good friends with, who are keen to have me apart of their management side. Positive and excited doesn't get you anywhere though. Look at me for instance. It is often stated my enthusiasm on the off site and FTP but where has it gotten me?? Two failed election campaigns.

Pms don't really matter though. They were both involved last season with the terrible results and now they are doing it again but just switching positions. Why spedn close to an entire season with the one management team


Tempted to sell Maddox:

but he's still a top 3/4 seamer in my squad :(

and also Bubb:

He's rel summary in reas form but only popped in tech ~2 weeks ago.


dont sell either unless you have a replacement


Sorry to say this cookie but there is something that you continuously write which annoys me, only a minor thing though...
You keep writing apart, when you should be saying a part ;)


Quote from: cookie311993 on September 30, 2011, 12:24:21 AM
dont sell either unless you have a replacement
Spot on. I'd leave them until you have the cash for a better replacement.


haha okay then CF thanks for the tip mate. you are a key apart of FF lol,


Haha cookie :)
Sorry I just have a weird OCD thing about random stuff


yeah its all good mate never noticed it to be honest

Justin Bieber

Quote from: BOOMZ on September 29, 2011, 11:37:17 PM
Out of curiosity if I was to sell either of these guys at end of season what would people pay?
Should get over 100k easily for either of them. Crameri should go for maybe 200k+.


Quote from: cookie311993 on September 30, 2011, 12:20:54 AM
my response was:
I am not sure if he will come back. He is pretty gutted and left pretty down in the dumps. Your side is strong and you have done the hard yards to build up a strong youth academy as I have done with my senior academy. The match engine this season has been a big issue which has been brought up on the game forums on numerous occasions.

I don't think Canada will be able to provide that for me as I have another nation who I have become good friends with, who are keen to have me apart of their management side. Positive and excited doesn't get you anywhere though. Look at me for instance. It is often stated my enthusiasm on the off site and FTP but where has it gotten me?? Two failed election campaigns.

Pms don't really matter though. They were both involved last season with the terrible results and now they are doing it again but just switching positions. Why spedn close to an entire season with the one management team
I am leaving I think. The fighting gets ridiculous.


Quote from: CrowsFan on September 29, 2011, 11:25:53 PM
Quote from: PowerBug on September 29, 2011, 10:49:48 PM
Well, i made a bid on him earlier just to track his progress. Tech, Power, Fielding lower than what i'd like, but i reckon he's a good buy, get the fielding to reas/cap and same with fitness. You should get 1 pop from each in his first season. Will he stay under 140k? I think he will :) Go for him Holz ;)
Expert tech on a 19 year old not good enough for you PB? ???
Good Point. I meant the average fitness.


Quote from: Nails on September 30, 2011, 12:22:03 AM
Tempted to sell Maddox:

but he's still a top 3/4 seamer in my squad :(

and also Bubb:

He's rel summary in reas form but only popped in tech ~2 weeks ago.
I can't tell them a part. ;)



Quote from: PowerBug on September 30, 2011, 09:12:18 AM

I like this guy, will bid for him till the bank drops.

I like him too PB... except... he's only capable bowling in REL form... What if he drops to reas form? He might only be a reas bowler!