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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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Lucky you didn't have to quit Q ;)

Master Q

46.3   W   Hemming to Samoei : [catch] A hint of swing, a hint of an edge, a hint to the umpire and a hint of an index finger.
J. Samoei c P. Mordt b. D. Hemming 27 (33b 2x4 0x6) SR:81.82





Geez out rated by 31k and you still won! Good effort :)


Good win Q. You were outrated by 31k  :o


Outrated flavoflav by 15k and lost. flower THIS GAME!


BB you always seem to lose, maybe a rethink of your tactics?

Master Q

No one can doubt my tactics ever again haha  :P

My posts on the Kenyan board  :P

I'm sure my captain will be happy...

BB don't complain I played Nips and he outrated me by 31k and he still lost  ;D

Justin Bieber

Unlucky BB and Q :o. Great win!!

End of over 50 (10 runs) - Hello(260-7) RR 5.20
L. Rabou 21 (14b) , B. Kross 14 (13b) , P. Fitzsimmons 10-1-64-0

Youth 50 over match. Seems like a decent total with Gallagher main destroyer but handy backup in Aparo and Smart. And with that, off to do homework before checking back later for ZZ's innings.


Quote from: Master Q on September 04, 2011, 06:10:54 PM
No one can doubt my tactics ever again haha  :P

My posts on the Kenyan board  :P

I'm sure my captain will be happy...

BB don't complain I played Nips and he outrated me by 31k and he still lost  ;D
lol @ Nips

Master Q

Mordt racks up BOT with 70 off 69 not out and 3 catches including the winner. Mwangi got 2 votes with 3/47 which is alright but he's not that great. But both are only 20 so great signs for my team...


Good to see you won your match Q, but can someone tell me if i should chase this guy?

Quote from: Luigi197 on September 04, 2011, 05:32:26 PM

Should i get him? if so, How far do i chase him to?
Because I already have 2 FS, a RFM and a M, so ideally a Fast would be good; but a FM would still be alright?
Or do i hold on and wait till a good F pops up?


You've been playing for a bit now luigi.
You should know that chasing these oldies is stupid.

Master Q

How is he that high anyway  >:(


27 years old.. is old? But i need a fast bowler.

maybe i should wait for a 25 year old or so, Fast bowler, then train him up?