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Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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Quote from: cookie311993 on June 20, 2011, 11:15:22 AM
Quote from: bomberboy0618 on June 20, 2011, 11:13:56 AM
no i seriously dont think so BB. Almost 25 with shower fielding and secondaries

Somewhat agree...

He is a rare LEFT handed (therefore ~5% bonus or whatever it is with your righties) and a rare FAST bowler... therefore boosting what he's worth imo...

Perhaps not that much though... undecided.


Can players play for your team whilst up for auction?

I'm guessing not, because I'm tempted to go and sell Murugappa (try to profit but a loss would be acceptable)

As the money I get from him would be great for EOS and would move the 29yo on... worth selling him? I'd prob only get ~55% of his sale price.



na better off keeping him nails.


Quote from: Nails on June 20, 2011, 11:23:08 AM
Can players play for your team whilst up for auction?

I'm guessing not, because I'm tempted to go and sell Murugappa (try to profit but a loss would be acceptable)

As the money I get from him would be great for EOS and would move the 29yo on... worth selling him? I'd prob only get ~55% of his sale price.


They can play. But I wouldn't sell him


Quote from: Nails on June 20, 2011, 11:23:08 AM
Can players play for your team whilst up for auction?

I'm guessing not, because I'm tempted to go and sell Murugappa (try to profit but a loss would be acceptable)

As the money I get from him would be great for EOS and would move the 29yo on... worth selling him? I'd prob only get ~55% of his sale price.


Nails you have only had Murugappa for ten days, meaning you would only get about 55% of his total sale price. He would have to sell for $100k for you to make a profit. To be honest, you will be very lucky for him to sell anywhere near the $50k you paid for him. Outs/exp with capable experience isn't very good for a soon to be 30yr old.


Quote from: Bazinga on June 20, 2011, 11:30:47 AM
Quote from: Nails on June 20, 2011, 11:23:08 AM
Can players play for your team whilst up for auction?

I'm guessing not, because I'm tempted to go and sell Murugappa (try to profit but a loss would be acceptable)

As the money I get from him would be great for EOS and would move the 29yo on... worth selling him? I'd prob only get ~55% of his sale price.


Nails you have only had Murugappa for ten days, meaning you would only get about 55% of his total sale price. He would have to sell for $100k for you to make a profit. To be honest, you will be very lucky for him to sell anywhere near the $50k you paid for him. Outs/exp with capable experience isn't very good for a soon to be 30yr old.

I know what you mean, but players are overpriced at the moment... If he sold for 60,000 that's ~32,000 I have for EOS to pick up a couple younger, future career players for The Nailers

and I also gain an extra $7K for (1-2 weeks?) however many more player wages I'd have to pay for him because of his high wage...

I only earnt $12,000 after expenses this week... +whatever my gate takings are (I'm home for all 3 this week)


He won't sell for $62k. You could try, but you overpaid to begin with. You should never have wasted $50K on such a poor player.


Quote from: 8-6 Suited on June 20, 2011, 12:48:05 AM
What happened to your ratings Alex?
I sold off all my oldies and started young like Baz. I did this at the start of the season :P
150k is decent when my oldest player was Sodumo at 24 and he is about to become second tier as well.


Quote from: Bazinga on June 20, 2011, 11:38:16 AM
He won't sell for $62k. You could try, but you overpaid to begin with. You should never have wasted $50K on such a poor player.

On sale, I realise he probably won't sell, but it won't be the end of the world if he does...

Beginning to think maybe I should have kept him for his potential next season but na, I'll pick up better players for the future.


Why are you selling him nails? He isn't great but I had a similar player that was critical to the development of my club. YOu shouldn't be selling players until all the starters are fired.


Quote from: Sid on June 20, 2011, 12:14:59 PM
Why are you selling him nails? He isn't great but I had a similar player that was critical to the development of my club. YOu shouldn't be selling players until all the starters are fired.

More money for EOS lol, I should be able to pick up someone like him for what? ~25K at EOS?

If he sells I'll still make profit + I don't have to pay ~7-14K wages for the rest of the season, I think the money is advantageous? Perhaps I should have kept him, I'm not sure.

He probably won't sell anyway...

Atm (excluding gate takings) I'm only earning 12,000/week so I need money :( lol


To be honest this whole EOS players are cheaper thing is a myth from what I saw last season. The players actually seemed to sell for more because everyone had prize money and so could pay more for the players they wanted.
Nails please listen to the advice people on here are giving you otherwise you will do the exact same stuff cic does!


Onky 20 y.os are cheap at EOS because there are so many of them. Everyone else- Epic inflation.


Yeah that's kinda what I thought. Which is exactly why I have been selling off my 19 year olds at the moment. Sold a cap/cap batter for 20k, and another cap/cap batter with worse secondaries for 8k. I wouldn't have paid 1k for either of them haha :)
Also currently have a 19 y.o acc/acc medium with bouncer talent on the market currently. Only 16k at the moment