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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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lol ok  :P
Harry Buggins    20   rm  dread ordin poor dread ordin poor ordin ordin dread ener avg $641 18,932
John Buttsworth    23   lm  ordin ordin ordin dread poor ordin poor poor poor ener avg $628 19,601
David Cameron    27   rws  ordin reas ordin dread ordin ordin poor ordin ordin ener avg $1,068 22,267
Matthew Fiebig    18   rm  ordin dread ordin dread dread dread dread reli atroc ener avg $496 14,570
Michael Gale    29   lfs  poor avg ordin atroc poor avg dread dread avg ener reas $907 19,525
John George    21   rws  dread poor poor avg avg poor avg capab avg ener avg $687 20,571
Iftekhar Hassan    20   lm  capab avg poor poor avg atroc ordin dread poor rest reas $839 25,269
Cullen Hayne    29   lm  poor ordin ordin ordin ordin dread poor dread ordin ener reas $821 20,736
George Humphries    26   rfs  poor ordin ordin poor avg poor ordin reas ordin ener avg $820 23,264
Charles Ipson    18   lm  dread dread poor poor dread dread dread poor dread ener reas $416 12,570
Norman Kennare    16   rm  dread avg poor atroc poor atroc dread reas dread ener reas $684 14,360
Hetuwa Kumari     20   rfm  reas ordin avg reas poor dread poor dread dread rest reas $1,061 25,111
Sammy Mackay    17   lfs  dread dread ordin dread poor dread avg poor atroc ener avg $534 14,918
Luke McCabe    16   rws  dread avg poor poor poor poor poor capab atroc ener reas $739 18,591
Rohan Nobes    18   rfm  poor ordin poor atroc dread atroc dread ordin dread ener reas $560 12,354
Brad Ohlstrom    18   rfs  avg dread poor poor poor dread poor dread dread ener avg $437 16,576
Reginald Poon    16   rfs  poor atroc avg atroc dread atroc poor capab dread ener avg $686 13,084
James Rigg    23   rfm  poor poor avg ordin avg dread poor dread poor ener avg $797 21,302
James Russell    21   rfm  dread atroc ordin ordin dread poor ordin reas ordin ener avg $624 17,253
Doug Salpietro    23   rfs  dread ordin reas ordin poor poor poor avg ordin ener avg $1,119 21,518
Peter Sincock    16   rm  poor ordin poor dread poor atroc atroc ordin dread ener reas $524 12,812
Michael Spring    17   rfs  avg poor poor atroc dread atroc dread capab dread ener reas $488 14,161
Curtis Wedd    21   rfs  poor ordin ordin poor ordin ordin poor capab dread ener reas $670 19,830
Hugh Whiddon    25   lfs  ordin ordin ordin poor ordin poor poor dread ordin ener avg $687 21,223
Jack Williamson    20   rm  capab capab ordin reas poor dread ordin avg poor rest capab $1,460 28,695

Sorry that its hard 2 read but couldnt be bothered typing it out.

Justin Bieber

Didn't have to type it out Maca :P. Just open the player (on the player page at the bottom right column). I can look at your Aussie youths and McCabe looks like a very good player for your Youth team. Talent a big bonus :). Would sell for a bit if you want to make some quick cash or can keep him and build your youth squad as well (extra dimension to the game instead of completely ignoring it).

I'll be putting up a list of players that should hopefully go cheap and will be a short-term fix on your senior problem. This is until you find better players out there.

Justin Bieber


Thanks heaps HP i just made my team skills visible.
i will have a look at your suggestions now.
yes mccabe looks promising i will develop him.

Justin Bieber

No problems. I'm feeling bored right now :P.

I like Youths so would say to invest on improving on that also. Harder to get a good youth side than senior side ;).


yea  :P thanks again you, boomz and pyro are helping out tonnes.
i am investing 10,000 in senior squad and 5,000 in youth.
does that sound ok? i have started bidding on most of the players you mentioned, hopefully i snag a couple  :)
also i have a T20 tomorow :O


I'd probaby start out investing 10k in each or maybe even 15k you get more money from gate takings from ur matches and as long as u dont blow it on expensive players you'll be fine :)


Justin Bieber

Yeah. Tuesdays are T20. Wednesdays are Youths. Friday are One Dayers. Thursdays members can challenge anybody to friendlies. Sunday you/others can challenge anybody to friendlies. Can see how everything happens and when if you go to schedule.

Sounds alright if they are on improving. No point keeping them on steady as it won't improve (and help your players in the long term).

Also, everybody on here helps each other :). Can even go on their forums if you want somebody else to help you through in game messages (Mentor).

I agree with BOOMZ. I'd say no more than 15-20k for a single player right now. Get a good basic squad and can upgrade when more money is received from gatetakings. I did that when I joined with 19-20 year olds. They played well back then and are playing well now :D.


yea sounds good :)  i will try to get the 20 year olds.
should i start sacking most of my starting squad hp?

Justin Bieber

Not yet. Can wait until new players arrive as the financial update for the week has already been done. Try to get rid of the oldeer player first though :).

But come Thursday morning, make sure you don't have more than 22 Seniors :). Will affect how much training they get if you go over.


Ok yea thanks. I will wait then. I sacked a few  :-X lol

Master Q

Good Luck with the Game Maca, I'd love to help you atm but I can't, really busy.

Checked our team ML, was on track but my batting always fails. Still need another batsmen, either an Opener and drop Lansing down or get a No.6 and push Menza up, or a No.7  :-\

Justin Bieber

I need to find some batsman as well ::).


I would like to get another gun Outs/outs batsman to bat at 4

I am trying to get a specialist keeper in my squad as well. Looking at a reas/reas keeper with accom keeping at 20. Could be good, but he WILL need a bit of work on fielding, but loads of time ;D