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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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Haha sweet you went with Feeling Sheepish :)

roo boys!

Well both my openers on attacking with a RR of about 4 ::)

0/42 from 10.


Quote from: CrowsFan on October 10, 2010, 11:29:03 AM
Haha sweet you went with Feeling Sheepish :)
Yeah as soon as I read it it was my favourite ;D
Paterson continues to go along on his way.


Looking on track for about a 100 lol

roo boys!

Still trickling along :-\


Team name is changed already that was quick :o
Ward out for 26 :'(

Justin Bieber

Yeah, they are pretty fast :o. But don't ask for a team name change too often as they'll ignore you otherwise ;).

I'm 2/41 after 14 overs :D. I'm happy with that I guess? Habib and McFarlane are out but Mayne and Selth are in 8). Put on a partnership you two!!!!


Go HP!!
Pretty big effort really :o

Justin Bieber

Let them try their best!!! Can't ask for a win :P.

Yapa is really smashing through your lineup. 4 wickets lost, 4 wickets to Yapa :o.


Yeah he is killing me...
He has finished for now.
RR is getting close to 3 for HP :o

Justin Bieber

Look at their rarings though :o. Most of his players are 50k rated :o. How can I compare? :P.


You can't that is the problem. He is to good :'(
Paterson is 40* plenty of extras coming in though :D


97 off 17 overs... still got 6 wickets in hand so 110+ im happy with ;D crap make that 6/101 lol


lol BOOMZ it will be close 8)


haha he'll get it in 10 overs.