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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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Type my SC name first thing that comes up is Robin Williams :P


What is your SC name?
Go look at my logo for FTP haha


Just did a search on FTP and this is the highest rated player on FTP.
He is only 25! :o
This is the guy with the highest wage. Imagine what his primaries would be :o

Mine is Redneck Aggression...


I am pretty sure she is the best matador in the world. Bulls shudder when they see her :P


Haha. I shudder when I see the bull! ;)


Quote from: Alex7089 on October 09, 2010, 07:44:07 PM
Just did a search on FTP and this is the highest rated player on FTP.
He is only 25! :o
This is the guy with the highest wage. Imagine what his primaries would be :o

Mine is Redneck Aggression...
..and you don't watch Bathurst? The top of the mountain is full of Rednecks  :P

Thanks for the tip on logo change champ  ;D



Haha nice logo Mc 8)
It was in response to the K.Rudd+Alabama+Redneck=War debacle :P


Quote from: CrowsFan on October 09, 2010, 08:01:27 PM
Dibs on this player
Wrist spin bowler who can bowl a wrongun
Very nice prospect there CF, good luck ;D
Launceston Lions the little b***h. Oh, lets come in and bump up the price of this player by 8,000 in one bid ahahaa. Fool.


How much do you reckon he will go for alex?


Hard to say really.
Might slip through for under 10k but if a few people get interested could be well over 30k.
I would say he is worth 15-20 thou though.


Thanks. I don't want to go over 20 for him so if it hits that I am out


For those too lazy to look at a players stats as we scour through the transfer market, wouldn't it be better to have a column for HS, average or best figures displayed rather than having to open a players details?


Q has just cleaned up with Clarence Wright for 133k, sold to Hyderabad Chargers  8)

Nice sale for the the Golden Q's !


Not really enough room Mc...Even with the stats set to shortened.
Hyderabad Chargers = Bermudan NAT Manager I think.
Still like a 30k loss isn't it ???