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Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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Quote from: Hellopplz on September 22, 2010, 06:31:41 PM
Time is coming up soon Alex. Less than 2 minutes remaining ;).
Timed it to perfection, only had to bid one more time to get him ;)

I am getting better at bidding ;D

Master Q

Quote from: Hellopplz on September 22, 2010, 06:31:06 PM
They change whenever they get enought training. There is a spreadsheet on their forum. But will have to search a bit ;D.

Youths train faster in fielding and endurance. 25 year olds train faster in Power. Not sure about Batting/Bowling/Technique.

GIFTED players train faster in that skill. Like to get on gifted youngsters ;).

Some players can go up in a skill in as soon as 3 weeks. Some take 5 or 6 weeks (depending). But can change training whenever you want. The training experience doesn't get lost as it just stays the same.
How do you know when they improve? PM?

Justin Bieber

Nice Alex 8). Should be good for you guys 8).

Nah. Their skill will show up green on your screen. Pretty easy to tell if they go up a level this way. Red means it went down a level. Onyl happens for Oldies.

Can get it PM'ed to you but you have to be a member and pay for credits to do that.

Master Q

You mean Green Underlined? I've seen that before?

Thanks Daz, I really really need Fleming, haven't bought one batsmen, my team is really carried by my spectacular bowlers, although I started with one good batsmen, Daniel Cox.


if i can snag that batter i posted the link too i think my side is set for the whole season then
cause all i really need is one more batter


I had been wondering what the green thing was, means that Gould is close to expert tech ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Also means Graaf is close to expert bowling.


Master Q

Which Link Daz,  I want to have a look at him. Do you mind posting it again?


Daz I would keep him he will be a star.

roo boys!

Yeahm Green means they have popped up a level at that thing.


Quote from: Master Q on September 22, 2010, 06:40:46 PM
Which Link Daz,  I want to have a look at him. Do you mind posting it again?
why u gonna try and steal him?

Boomz i'll take him off your

Justin Bieber

Quote from: Master Q on September 22, 2010, 06:38:45 PM
You mean Green Underlined? I've seen that before?

But if they just got green, it'll be a while until they go up in that skill again ;). Have to do full course of training again :(.

Endurance is trained with everything so will go up eventually over time (little each week).

roo boys!

I'd take him ;D

Nah put him up for about 5k i think.


and if u go to training you can click on veiw latest in the right hand corner and it lists if they went up or down

although dunno if once my trial memebership ends if i can still do that

i didn't subscribe it's the option above it


Quote from: Alex7089 on September 22, 2010, 06:42:20 PM
Daz I would keep him he will be a star.
so don't show Q the link of the guy i showed you
is what ur saying?..