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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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Master Q

I found your team, is it William or Castelle? I'm  guessing it's Will..


Don't you take him he is my claim to fame!
I hope you enjoy that keeper Q, nowhere near as good as the Lyon/Dunn combo alliance! Whitang!
Some little *(^&$# is trying to poach Ismael!
WTH Q you outbid me on Alleyne? I thought we were allies...

roo boys!

Nah he was a "PowerHouse" :P

if he gets him all our talk about Alleyne will have to cease!

PS, Alex, I have a secret to tell you... ;)

INvested the 50 I was going to invest on Alleyne in this guy. I he gets past me I will be shattered. Yet again. What a star. He is 27 but nice stats and I need some experience in my squad anyway. CMON!!!!!!
Q, go fetch me a mallet to knock you over the head!

Justin Bieber

LOL Q!!!!! ;D. Over 50k for Alleyne :P.

Alex, That'll guy will go over 50k before his deadline passes ;).


He is 27... Even if he does, I have the free cash to get a star when he comes along :P
He might slip ::)


over 50k for R&B's guy....waaaay to much for that bloke i reckons


yay supporters up to 34 an there mood is jovial.....moving on up... 8)


actually just realized i think they went down from enthusiastic
crap.... >:(

Justin Bieber

Mine is jovial as well but over 700 supporters 8). Almost 800 :D.

Wait until end of season with some cash Alex. You'll get quite a few stars for that 50k ;).


He is going to be a NAT Daz, that is why he is getting payed so much ::)
34? I started with 500 now have 511 :P


Quote from: Alex7089 on September 20, 2010, 07:11:47 PM
He is going to be a NAT Daz, that is why he is getting payed so much ::)
34? I started with 500 now have 511 :P
my bad my keyboard has been a bit doggy since my daughter spilt water on it
i need to buy a new one but can't be bothered my d and c keys on't work unless i basically push them real hard which is y in alot of my posts they seem to be missing an the numbers at the top half of them don't work i have to use the numbpad but sometimes i forget they don't work

and yeah i meant 534
i started with 500 too an got bout 11 or 12 each week more



and that's also why majority of my posts say under them last edit most of it that didn't work


Haha yeah.
'Tickle My Timber' (errrr) keeps bidding on the players I want >:(