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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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I mean don't get me wrong he's a star, will play at U19 and NT level, but 3m?
That's a lot of money, you can do a lot of things with 3m.


Wreck him and I'll kill you, nails.


Any season that you'd lose by not having a gifted talent is made up by the fact he has a season less development over the other 16yos.

A lot of the best 16yos are like ord power and ord fielding plus ord endo. There's an entire season there. Then this guy has skilled bat and boundary hitter to boot.

If you think about it with prim training could be exp/exp/exp as he turns 20yo. Therefore exp/outs/outs as he turns 21yo. exp/spec/spec turning 22yo. then ~3.5 or so seasons time he be exp/wc/wc - jet. That said he'd need a lot of fielding and power from that. That's not how I'd train him and I'm not sure of the training times, but he's going to be an absolute star :-X

He'll be one of the best players in the game for his age.

Like Geoffrey Milne - he's a STUD and didn't need a training talent at all.

Yes keepers are very different training to ARs, but this is (an approximation of) Milne @ 27yo

Batting   exceptional    Endurance   spectacular
Bowling   poor    Technique   exceptional
Keeping   world class    Power   expert
Fielding   spectacular    

All without any relevant talent whatsoever. 2nd highest rating for a player his age (yes keepers train fast) but under your theory no talent means he should be below like all the other keepers and 15th highest wage for his age. All without any training talent to speak of.

Also Milne spent like 5 or so seasons in a superior/lavish academy and still wasn't caught by these supposed gun training talent players. This kid will be in deluxe his whole life.

Quote from: Cookie311993 on June 10, 2014, 04:16:46 PM
Wreck him and I'll kill you, nails.

Don't worry, if I get him he'll become a studdddddd.


You think it would take 3.5 seasons to go from spec/spec to wc/wc?
Try 5+.


spec/spec > excep/excep is 1.5 in a superior academy based on the half dozen players I've trained to do just that.

Is it really 3.5+ seasons in a deluxe academy to get a 23yo > wc/wc :-X


Takes 15 weeks to go from spec >> excep.
So you'd think given spares from training the other prim, it'll take a bit under 2 seasons to go spec/spec>>excep/excep.
As for going to world class, ask Relton Roberts.
He was 23 when he started training from exceptional to world class bowling, in a deluxe academy at the time (has been on luxurious for 1 week, lavish for about 6). 25 weeks later, no bowling pop.


Quote from: Nails on June 10, 2014, 04:25:43 PM
spec/spec > excep/excep is 1.5 in a superior academy based on the half dozen players I've trained to do just that.

Is it really 3.5+ seasons in a deluxe academy to get a 23yo > wc/wc :-X
I am pretty sure it's close to 2.5 seasons. Something like 35 weeks or something


If RR pops twice in the next 10 weeks I'll be excited.
Hasn't popped in a trainable talent since December 2013..


Yeah, I posted the questions in a quick questions or ask ash thread and deltron or somebody who was high up, forgot who said 2.5 seasons to go from excep/excep > wc/wc


Regardless, he's going to be a jet with the bat and with the ball. A BH coming in towards the end of the innings could be great. A free 10 runs from 2 BH triggers in the final 10 overs gives you 1 extra run per over in those vital final 10 overs. He'll be studly.

^ Not sure whether this guy is worth another bid? I would have bitten @ 500K as his prims and talents are SUPER but that dread power and other poor secondaries are yuck :(


Leave him for JB.

I'd argue that having a BH in the tail is the least valuable spot for them, the # of dots in an innings can mostly be found in the first 30 overs.


Wouldn't really be the tail. Probably bat around #6 as you know in top leagues on a bowler's wicket (I'll probably play on Uneven if my first two purchases are anything to go by) in a top/tough league is likely to be exposed around overs 30-40. Therefore he probably get plenty of dots to face anyway.



I've got 2 boundary hitter bowlers that have come through my youths. Has been effective for me a few times.


On the whole excep/excep to WC/WC debate it took my player Roger Wilson 27 weeks to go from excep bowling to WC, and technique 31 weeks. That was in a lavish academy, and started training when he was mid 23, so ended mid 25. Basically just 2 seasons.