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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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I think I am going to do that with batting/bowling for one of my youths with a talent in it. Train them non-stop in it until they reach like exceptional and sell them off for 50k+ :D
Got to love newbies :P

Neither do I but hey I can hope...


WTF! They fined me 100k for the india idiot putting psycho bids on i cant help it?! ffs... and they said its not the 1st time ive broken the rules or some shower?!


I think I might get this guy and go non-stop batting tech training up to like 22 and see how high he gets :P

What the hell BOOMZ ???
That is ridiculous.


Now im in debt -.- may as well go play bt instead...


Don't, battrick is terrible...



Haha yeah have you seen their logo? Looks like it was a preset on word ::)

It will be OK BOOMZ, you still have a good list and you can slowly build back up :D


Yeah and I tried like months ago to get an account & never got an email... lol yea just don't get what they mean by this isn't the 1st time ?! ive never done anything... -.-


Yeah it is weird/disappointing.
I don't think it is the first time though like with Shaggy they thought he was cheating when he tried to help his friend .


yeah they seem to be pretty quick to point the finger... Well ill just have to hope i can get back up soonish ;D


Is there a way you can plead your case and have it reviewed?

Like when you get banned from chat by m0nty and by sending him an email to apologise he ponders then lifts the ban (case by case - some bans are permanently warranted).


There should be but I don't know.
Getting punished for something you didn't do is a bit much, you can't assume every player that sells for more than he is worth is cheating.


Well i replied... trying to be nice but i dont think they will answer.


Good luck BOOMZ I hope you get your money back :)
My game has started.


Mine too ;D Batting first 10 off the 1st over....