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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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Got him for cheaper than I thought in the end. If it weren't for Launceston Lions I would of gotten him even cheaper.
Ah well, reli/exp spinner going to put him on bowling training to exp/exp then I will train his secondaries from then for a while.


For those searching for a quality bowler this guy looks good, not rf/lf R&B but he is fast-medium...


looks good very cheap but still has 2 days til the end of the auction

8-6 Suited

I got BP in the morning tomorrow. Should be a good game as he has some quality, extreme quality medium pacers and such bowlers. I actually am really looking forward to this game.

roo boys!

Yeah age is why I am offloading Hinton HP.

That guy looks good Alex, but you're right, I am only going to focus on getting a fast bowler for my next transfer.

roo boys!

Twenty20 Top Scores
21 Sep 10     Mental Blank v Roo Boys!     Ariyapala Hewawasam     129
07 Sep 10    Vic Saints XI v Roo Boys!    Ariyapala Hewawasam    124

Ahh I miss Hewy....


Hewy is a star 8)
I suppose if you wanted him back though, he misses you to.
Would be a tough spot to fill :P

roo boys!

Nah nah, Rammohan has filled the void 8)


I'm glad its only a T20 vs reesbr coz its going to be over quickly lol

roo boys!

lol ;D

got my game against Daz coming up...


I'm playing a random who challenged me in a youth game and I will lose :P


roo boys!

Is this the guy you said about Alex? With the World Class keeping?

I am going to find a youth gifted in something and do this ;D

sell him at world class when he is 23 or so ;D

fielding maybe?


Haha yeah that is the guy ;)
I might do it as well :D
Dibs if he stays under 10k

roo boys!

Bahaha 10k for Courtney Parker ;D what an idiot :P

if I can find a 16 yo prodigy who is gifted at pwoer or something, I will just train them up like the guy I posted the link for ;D

roo boys!

Don't think he is going to stay under 10k :-\