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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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The market is so hot for quality bowling, Hinton will get $ outweighing his ranking easily I feel.

Guarava is like having two players, keep him and reap the reward of the hunge % or worse - you could keep him?

roo boys!

Yeah I probably will keep Guarava Kandathil for a while longer.
Still scouting for that quality quick bowler >:(  Will pay pretty big cash :-\

Hinton is up now at 1k if you want to bid Roost :D


got the upperhand on this guy looks a steal for around this price

Justin Bieber

Hinton might not fetch for much due to age :(. Good talents though ;).

I'm looking to get this guy:

Have the highest bid on this player:

His all round game and that Endurance made me bid that high for him a few days ago :-X.


Quote from: roo boys! on October 09, 2010, 09:25:47 PM
Yeah I probably will keep Guarava Kandathil for a while longer.
Still scouting for that quality quick bowler >:(  Will pay pretty big cash :-\

Hinton is up now at 1k if you want to bid Roost :D
Thanks RB but I have to decline, Tobias deVreeze I paid through the ringer for and has my trading done for a bit.

He did take 3 for 24 in his first One Dayer for me  8)

Justin Bieber

Anybody in need for back up bowlers? Take a look at one of these 2: (young finger spinner. Decent backup). (Worthy of getting a game and very nice talents).


thx for the refrence to the meduim pacer hp  ;)


Under an hour to go for my target :P
Will come in for van der Graaf :o
First game he will miss :-\
Oh well, replaced by a better player :P


10 mins left expert captaincy ,,reliable keeper,acomplshed batter and i have him for 6k fingers crosed


His tech and secondaries let him down a lot, not bad though ;)
Hawka is that Hale in the picture?


20 minutes to go now for Adam Carter I hope I get him :D


yer alex it is :P and i didnt get thay guy


That sucks hawka, he would of been good for you :'(

13 minutes to go.


got well close to 30k i reckon so backed of havent bought a player since october 2 i think notin suits me either to dear or there crap and wen somefin comes up i get outbidded


Yeah it is OK there will always be another player that you will get :D
Inflation is a killer. I know I will get outbidded sometime in the next 8 minutes just have to time my bid after that.
Haha maybe not, I was waiting for it, but it never came...