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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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8-6 Suited

Yeah my teams relatively set right now. Yet to see how we perform in a T20 properly but I'm not buying anyone for a while I think.


I think my team is ok but indecision is making me bid for more players.
I've got a friendly against CC on Sunday so I hope I don't lose by 10 wickets :P


LOL nah. Be careful though he is the NAT manager for Kenya and he has multiple NAT players and is very good at FTP. Good luck ;)


I'm hoping to get some star recruits before the game to score at least 100 runs
That would be a nice start. I've got one batsmen I really hope I get cos he'd be my first over 40k player.

8-6 Suited

CC is Kenyan NAT manager? Serious?


Good luck ML :)
Yeah Shaggy he is the Kenyan NAT manager. I am serious. Like I said, he is awesome.


Yer he is I only noticed after I challenged him

Justin Bieber

He went up last season but didn't make it. Got it this season in the election.


I didn't know his username was flemda

8-6 Suited

Wow... Go FF. :D How long has CC been playing this game for? o.O


A fair while not sure of the exact time though...

Justin Bieber

Think he was one of the first on here. Him, Valk and reesbr brought it up in the beginning on here. So did cookie although he doesn't come on here now.


I think i play valk in my youth league

8-6 Suited

Ahh cool. I wouldn't mind one day being a national manager. Would be awesome. ^.^

Ability to use any player of your nation no matter who... That would be sweet. :D Super teams!


Yeah. You would have to spend a lot of time looking around and finding the best players though...