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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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8-6 Suited

How did you get 600k o.O!

roo boys!

8-6 Suited

lol I had 300k! From the sale of my youth lol


I had 190k to start now I have 30k and I plan on spending more :'(

8-6 Suited

I think I started with 230 or 240k.

Waiting to here back from the admin as he took away too much money from me. :/ I only got 55% of that sale, he took away 135. :/


Everyone started with more than me :P I have to go ;)

8-6 Suited

Where are you going? o.O!

Justin Bieber

Quote from: 8-6 Suited on October 01, 2010, 06:47:37 PM
There is 5 more spots I think. So guys, apply to join ad they will likely accept you. The FF comp will fit in well, gives everyone a month or so to get their teams organized.

HP, I better see you in this. :D
5 more spots still. Just came back so read back a few pages.

Instead of trying to start up a comp, maybe have a knockout one on here? Can play a match every sunday and the losers can face off if they are knocked out. The winner at the end will be crowned FF FTP Champion 8).

It will be unofficial there, but official here ;D.

Cya Alex?

Capt Cunners

Anyone want to play me in a friendly on Sunday??

If so my team is named Golden Duck.


I might but your team would kill mine.

roo boys!

Have fun Alex!

Nice idea, HP.

I would CC but I have one scheduled, sorry :(



scrath that  :( he just went up 15k in a bid thought he was a bargin for 20k but now 40k

Justin Bieber

Hate when that happens >:(.
