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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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8-6 Suited


did everyone elses ftp go to a site maintenance page?


yep pyronerds my mate and i recomened he started ftp and mayb ff  :P

roo boys!

well done hawka :)

Won by the lazy 9 wickets in my game ::)



Wooo welcome to the recruitment staff Hawka. I have gotten 9 people to join but none of them posted or stayed :'(
Admittedly 2 of the 9 people I got to join were me.

8-6 Suited

I got 1 person to join FTP, and bought a player off me for 150k today... Accidently lol I spoke to the admins and they changed it down to 15k. He got in a bidding war with some noob from 1k to 14k :D And accidently bid 150k lol

Took them a while to change it though. I miss the extra 80k I had from that :(


Haha Shaggy R&B knows how you feel :P
I am going after this quick. Not the best secondaries but he is young so I will train him in those when I get him.

Also going for this spinner lol I will not be sleeping tonight.

8-6 Suited

If you get him for cheap, he will do you well definately.

R&B had that happen to him as well? Hopefully someone bits on my 200k 16yo lol Not that he is any good, I just want that 200k again :D

roo boys!

haha yep. When Alex was new I put a reli/reli 20 yo bowler for him, he used SC prices as a guide so he bid 190k for him, but then luckily we found out that he didnt press confirm bid :P


Oh well, I bid 190k on his player but I didn't confirm the bid so he was close to it but didn't quite get itall!!!

8-6 Suited

Took the Admins a while to fix it up and I couldn't spend that money as I knew it would be taken away. Last thing I wanted is to go into negatives lol



Haha I don't think it is possible. When I had 1k and I tried bidding on players it wouldn't let me so...

roo boys!

When I had 600k I couldn't....wait, I had 600k :P

just gotta love showing off ;)