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Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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Quote from: Alex7089 on September 27, 2010, 09:55:09 AM
When does the sponsorship money come in?

NOOOOOO R&B don't go :'(
should be in now fiances should be done mine are

Justin Bieber

30k into seniors and 25k into youths this week for me 8).

Don't know how you guys wake up so early.


Oh my god.
Last week my player wage was 22,000. This week it is 52,000!!! :o :o
Uh oh...


Gabriel Hampton my youth pull this week. Is going to be a freak bowler!
HE is 16, he has gifted bowling, he already has average bowling and endurance ! :o


Quote from: Alex7089 on September 27, 2010, 09:58:12 AM
Oh my god.
Last week my player wage was 22,000. This week it is 52,000!!! :o :o
Uh oh...
lol.nice Ax nice


Tell the Nat manager about him Alex!



Quote from: Alex7089 on September 27, 2010, 10:00:41 AM
Gabriel Hampton my youth pull this week. Is going to be a freak bowler!
HE is 16, he has gifted bowling, he already has average bowling and endurance ! :o
can't see him reveal his skills

Justin Bieber

Tell the NAT manager to get him on THEIR radar for future U19 NAT ;). Great pull 8).


I opened them up. He has poor tech, power and fielding but still going to be a good bowler.


hey HP Reginald Heffernan just popped twice
keeping from reasonable to capable and
technique from ordinary to average


Tell the under 19 nat manager


Quote from: Alex7089 on September 27, 2010, 10:05:17 AM
I opened them up. He has poor tech, power and fielding but still going to be a good bowler.
holy shower Ax...his gonna be a GUN


Alright I'll tell the U19 NAT manager, what should I say? haha I feel like a fool :P


i'm happy with my youth pull this week
too bad his 17 but ordinary technique already is ok considering his gifted in tech

and R&B his a straight out fast bowler